View Full Version : PMT & Anxiety...please try this ladies...

26-07-06, 12:05

I suffer badly with pmt & anxiety...my anxiety always gets alot worse just before my period.
Anyway I was searching the net last week looking for herbal treatments for PMT and I stubbled across Fennel so off I went ot the health shop to buy some fennel tea...thought might as well give it a go.

Im amazed...ladies you have to try this...my mood has lifted, water rentention is far less, dont feel anxious...it seems to be working.
I did some research into fennel and found that it is rich in phytoestrogens a plant based estrogen.

Do give it a try and please let me know if it helps you.

26-07-06, 12:07
Ooh, I shall try that! Thanks for the tip

'Never be afraid to try- remember, amateurs buit the Ark...professionals built the Titanic'

26-07-06, 13:43
I'll give it a go too!!
Sounds good!
:D :D


26-07-06, 15:04
Im pleased it has helped you feel better but I am Sorry
there is NO WAY on earth id take anything that is a plant based
Usually women have too much oestrogen already without having more.
Too much Oestrogen is the cause of breast cancer and womb cancer.

Please read my post about hormones, I took a test to find out what i needed and found out I have too much oestrogen and not enough progesterone.
Ladies think very carefully and chat to your gp if you decide to take estrogens because it could be a big mistake or take a saliva test at ztr labs.


26-07-06, 15:23


26-07-06, 15:41
Is it good for pms pains? i suffer terribly with cramps, i get them from my belly to my thighs, all in between there is a nighmare with cramps, i have to have hot baths and sandwhich myself with quilts and hot water bottles! Sometimes im not too bad, others its horrific pain.
Us girls have to suffer so bad,
Becci x x x

26-07-06, 15:43
I fogot to mention... does it taste bad too? ive tried hrbal tea before and i just cant stomach it! chamomile is worse, YUCK! its like grass water (im pullig a weird face now at the thought!)