View Full Version : Hiya

25-08-12, 07:46
Hi everyone,

I've never really posted in forums before, but I've been told it can really help by a lot of people, so I thought I'd give it a try.

I've recently suffered more with my anxiety since my mother passed away (late last year). She was pretty much the only person in the world who understood my anxiety enough to be able to soothe me if I were panicing. I miss her a lot, and know a lot of my current issues are my inability to deal with the grief, but beneath all that I've always been a VERY anxious person.

I've always dealt with various phobias (which can develop at the drop of a hat, sadly), from Zombies to drowning. I also suffer from general anxiety, which plagues me almost every day and has for as long as I can remember. I have tense muscels constantly, I don't sleep well, and my eating habits are terrible, I find myself throwing up sometimes because my body seems to stop digesting food if I'm having a bad day.

I've recently started councelling and I have high hopes for it, but I thought it'd be nice to have a community here that I could talk to, and also help others if I possibly can.

25-08-12, 07:54
I hope your counselling sessions are productive.
Enjoy NMP.


25-08-12, 07:59
Hi p0nybear

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

25-08-12, 08:01
Welcome I hope it does help, it has for me. Take a look at the information about your own situation and how to cope sometimes if I feel panic coming on I will go to the side bar and either put panic attacks or self help and leave it there and if I do panic reading it helps immensely. You are not a lone.:)

25-08-12, 08:10
Hi ponybear
I am sorry to hear about your anxiety, and hope that your counselling gives you some help and coping techniques.
There's loads of information on this site that I have found invaluable, and the people are very supportive and kind. You're not on your own.

25-08-12, 08:35
You've all been so kind already. It's comforting to hear that I'm not by myself. That's definitely something I'm struggling with.