View Full Version : There's a course I'd like to do but worried about the anxiety.

25-08-12, 07:57
I'm so bored! I'd love to get out, learn, meet new people and have a reason to get up in the morning.

But I've really been struggling with my anxiety, I feel sick a lot, tired, headaches, just feel so weak both physically and mentally.

It's a full time course, I'm worried I wouldn't be able to handle it.
Some days I can't even leave the house as I feel too dizzy and fearful.

I hate my anxiety controlling me!

I can't seem to figure out if I'd be able for it or not :(

25-08-12, 08:19
I understand and hope very much you get to go and break free but maybe you can do a on line course or part time class and part time on line , then there won't be so much pressure. Forcing yourself through it gently will help, at least it has for me. hugs

25-08-12, 13:11
I am a grad student, and you know, I actually have noticed that my courses are so interesting to me that once I get there I am focused on what we're learning and not thinking about my anxiety anymore. Even if I am really anxious leading up, once I am actually there I do ok. Also it is a great place to meet people with similar interests. It might be just what you need!!

25-08-12, 15:44
You only get one life, go for it!
If you don't at least try you may spend the rest of your life thinking, 'what if'.

My son has just enrolled in college, yesterday as a matter of fact, I went with him for support, he ran out of the building half way through the procedure, but he came back and completed the registration. He lives with anxiety, so he came back and faced his fears.

Perhaps there is someone close to you who could go with you to enroll.

Colleges/Universities also have Additional Support departments, so there should always be someone to speak to if you are feeling anxious.

25-08-12, 19:15
I agree with the previous posters; you may as well try enrolling in the course. I've had anxiety episodes while at school and university, but thankfully I was still able to concentrate on my education. I love learning new things and I think that has always made me determined to complete a course even when I'm finding it difficult.

25-08-12, 19:24

Some good advice from the previous posters. All I can add is that you could try the course and see how you get on. If after a couple of weeks it's not working out, you can always leave. You've got nothing to lose by giving it a go.


04-09-12, 14:36
Well I put my name down, even waiting at the office was hard lol.
I might not get in but I think I'll put my name down for this other course too that's 3 hours twice a week.
They both start around the same time time so hopefully I'll on one of them.

Starting to panic about getting older n still been stuck in th same place with my anxiety.