View Full Version : any tips please

25-08-12, 12:59
right the prob is when i get up early in the morning i feel sick i retch and bring fluid up or nothing i shake feel anxious. i cant eat breakfast like i used to i love jam on toast. now when dinner comes i have a very good dinner then i feel better i dont retch shake and i feel calm. any tips would be nice please

25-08-12, 14:11
Hi i used to be exactly the same, every morning i used to end up retching in the kitchen sink and shaking with fear, now im on the right meds and dosage the retching has stopped but i still feel very shakey in the mornings, i used to just sip water and try and distract myself as the more i retched the more i panicked, hope it passes for you soon xx

25-08-12, 14:25
thanks nic what do u take for it then plz

25-08-12, 14:28
Im taking venlafaxine 150mg, i was worse when i was taking citalopram thats what started the retching in the first place xx

25-08-12, 14:32
i am on cipralex and omprozole for acid reflux

08-06-13, 16:51
My gagging & retching is far worse in the morning. 2 things help: Don't eat anything after 7pm, especially sweets... & You'll find you can eat certain things in the morning, and other things will make it far worse. I've been dealing with this for 50 years. I need mouthwash for 'morning mouth', but that really sets it off. Most times I just have my 'fit' of retching and get it over with, sort of a daily routine... no big deal. My doctor just started me on cyproheptadine, a powerful antihistamine. I makes me a little sleepy, but really suppresses the gag reflex, especially in the morning. It even improves my mood. I call it my 'happy pill'...

08-06-13, 17:31
I'm a terrible retcher! Whenever I get nervous I am a gagging mess. Always been like that.

It's caused by dry mouth. During anxiety, our bodies don't need to produce saliva as it has more important things to do so our throats become drier.

It's unpleasant but harmless. It can also be very embarrassing when out in public doing it or infront of someone. There's no real way to hide it!