View Full Version : has anybody had depression/anxiety that turned out to be a thyroid problem?

25-08-12, 15:38
I never realized until I am now getting tested for thyroid disorders that the symptoms overlap so much. I am wondering if anybody had anxiety and depression that turned out to be thyroid-related, and if treating the thyroid problem helped your anxiety/depression?

In a way, I almost am wanting it to be a thyroid related problem (as long as it's not serious). My mom was on synthroid her whole life because of her thyroid problems, her sisters also have some. In doing research, hypothyroid would explain all of my symptoms .... literally. Muscle aches, fatigue, depression and anxiety that got worse quite suddenly this summer, spotting more on the pill (didn't realize this could be hypothyroid too) which correlates to when my depression got worse, aches and pains...

Is it bad that I kind of hope this is the answer, because I know it is treatable and then I would just get better with taking the hormone? It would explain the other symptoms I've been dealing with so well ...

I won't know until Sept 18th though. I gotta get my bloodwork done before then.

26-08-12, 10:43
Hey. How strange I was thinking this same thing. When I am next at the doctors I am going to ask for a thyroid test to be done. My mum has bad thyroids, too low I think and she has a lot of symptoms similar to mine, so I was wondering this myself. Please let us know how you get on, will be interesting to see. xx

26-08-12, 10:56
I have a thyroid problem n my symptoms are strange head sensations dizzyness off balance n tingling/numbness but doc dont think its thyroid related...but who knows x

26-08-12, 12:08
I know on the Internet people say to ask for the results and not take your doctors word everything's fine, they say if the tyroid levels are slightly off but within the normal range the doctor will tell you it's normal but it can be the cause of your symptoms.

I wished I had asked fort results :( Id feel silly asking now .
But the doctor just said it was normal.

My thyroid has become slightly bigger on the right side n I experience a lot of pressure there too :(
I would have my tyroid cut out if I knew it would get rid of the unbearable thtoat tightness !

I have all the symptoms of an over active tyroid.

I will try and demand a CT scan of my neck when I get to see the ENT.
I need to see there's nothing in my neck that's trying to strangle me lol

I've had 6ish tyroid tests in 5 years, I didn't ask for them, 2 were routine as I was having a small operation. The other 4 were due to my heart palps and weightloss, all were normal!

26-08-12, 15:10
I'm sure it is much more common than is diagnosed clinically. My doctor said during my check up last week that frequently people don't even realize that they have an underactive or overactive thyroid until they have had it a while ...It would be nice and a relief to have an answer for feeling the way I feel, although I have gone through a lot of life events to make me depressed too. The symptoms do overlap though a lot, which is what makes me wonder.

01-03-13, 19:47
Hey all :)

I have an underative thyroid and was diagnosed after 2 miscarriages. I have recently started experiencing breathlessness like air hunger, more tired than usual and health anxiety/panic attacks and heart flutters like a nervous feeling in my chest. My doctor has requested a blood test for me, I have a funny feeling my levels are all over the place. I will post back when I get the results next week.xx

02-03-13, 01:28
I was just recently diagnosed with an underactive thyroid (hypo) and started taking synthroid and I feel a lot less anxious. The past couple of years I had increased panic as well and that has lessened. I think that there is definitely a connection between anxiety and thyroid.


02-03-13, 11:26
I was just recently diagnosed with an underactive thyroid (hypo) and started taking synthroid and I feel a lot less anxious. The past couple of years I had increased panic as well and that has lessened. I think that there is definitely a connection between anxiety and thyroid.


I felt fine before taking my meds, and fine after them, but last October stopped taking them, and when I started again I started feeling like this. Think I'm all out of sync! Will get my bloods done next week. What were your levels do you know?