View Full Version : Lymph nodes under collar bone? Help please!

25-08-12, 20:14
The other day I was doing my weekly prod about the neck/collar bone area and I felt a hard ish lump just under my collarbone (like near my sternum).. I felt the other side too and it's the same but a tad smaller. I know they're new because I check that area quite a lot. I've had an operation on my earlobe recently where they had to make a new wound that has to heal (my earlobe split :( ) and there's a small ish bite/rash on my chest. Could it be due to any of these?
It feels like a bean but I'm still terrified.

But surely if it's like it on both sides they're just doing their job and it's nothing to worry about? I have been googling for about 2 hours today and am now convinced I have either thyroid problems or lymphoma.

Can anyone else feel these? I might just be overreacting but I really am terrified.
I don't feel tired or anything and feel generally fine, it's just when I have the panic attacks when i get really nervous.

I cannot stop the 'what if thoughts'

my family claim there's nothing there and it's just part of the muscles and stuff that are there

help please??????

25-08-12, 20:19
Can you move it about under your fingers? Does it kick away when you run your finger over it quite hard??? If there is one the other side then it's probably normal and just fighting infection or it might not even be lymph node at all. Is it sore???

25-08-12, 20:57
One of them does kick away a little but other than that they kind of feel like theyre muscle fibres or something. They are slightly sore when I press hard. I have a few in my neck but they are all squishy and move. These feel different.. hard and they hurt slightly. I've only noticed them within the past few days though.. and they are pretty much identical on each side and i cant see them looking in the mirror

25-08-12, 22:07
If they hurt they are nothing to worry about. If they are raised lymph nodes then it's just fighting infection. Bad lymph nodes would not hurt and feel v hard like hard rubber. They would not kick under your fingers.

27-08-12, 19:59
I'm not even sure if they're lymph nodes or part of my bones/muscle :( they are both pretty much directly below the two notches where the collarbone stops then starts again (i think this is called the suprasternal notch or something). one is below one of the notches, one is below the other. i've lost a bit of weight recently but i'm not sure if that could have anything to do with me being able to feel them more..
they are not visible when i look in the mirror either, i can just feel slight bumps. they don't feel rubbery or anything.. they've stopped hurting now and i'm getting a bit scared. they feel hard like bone or very fibrous muscle.. but i've done some research (googled again :( ) and i cant find anything for lymph nodes in this area.. there are some below the collar bone but not where i can feel some

27-08-12, 20:07
Are you sure it's not just the edge of your collar bone? Are the bumps either side of throat hollow?

27-08-12, 20:39
How big are they? Baby pea sized or smaller isn't anything to worry about.
Maybe mention them to your doctor if you are worried :)

27-08-12, 20:45
yeah but they're like below the two bumps.. they feel like small beans and i can't see them but i can feel them. i can't tell if they're movable or if its just the skin moving :(

27-08-12, 23:06
I'm sure it's just normal glands then. Sinister glands get big quickly and you can put your fingers round them like feeling a walnut under your skin.

28-08-12, 16:17
Thank you so much for your replies :) it has helped a lot with reassuring me. They aren't getting bigger or anything and I can't see them, so I'll assume they're just shotty lymph nodes and are just ones I can feel anyway x

28-08-12, 22:23
Good positive attitude chloevictoria. If there was anything sinister in your lymph nodes they would get big and v hard quickly.

10-01-16, 16:38
I know this is old, but did you ever found out what it was? Have the same and it has for sure not been there all the time. Im freaking out!

---------- Post added at 16:38 ---------- Previous post was at 16:37 ----------

know this is old, but did you ever found out what it was? Have the same and it has for sure not been there all the time. Im freaking out!