View Full Version : Can anyone help me?(It's pretty long)

25-08-12, 20:34
Well...I don't know if anyone can help me or anything but it's worth a shot. Word of warning this may be long...basically im a 16 year old girl, I first got anxiety when I was 14 years old it started in June 2010 and I just started worrying for no reason about my health all of a sudden and then one night I got chest pain right where my heart is and I kept panicking and I was up the whole night, and I went on holiday and that's when it got majorly bad..I thought I had a brain tumour, it felt like I couldn't breath I kept going dizzy to the point I actually fell into a glass table and nearly fell over it kept feeling like I was sinking in the ground I also had a crippling head ache I was worrying the whole two weeks and the symptoms went off a day before I went home...typical! So, because my mum had enough (we constantly went the doctors maybe about 6 times a month?) So my doctor sent me to a councillor she helped me lots! I was anxiety free for 8 months in total...I thought I was doing so well, I went on holiday again and it felt like I sunk into the ground again/ being dizzy and I thought stop it, it's okay...and it never happened again and I had an amazing holiday! Then in January just gone it felt like I couldn't breath and I panicked and it was back..(anxiety) and I got loads of symptoms again..and that is when I joined this site it's been a rocky year for me again...lots of symptoms..good and bad days...but to present day..I came back from holiday a week today and it was terrible and I still feel terrible now basically from the first day their I was awful...I had an ear infection but I had tablets to bring with me for it, I constantly worried about that and then a couple of hours after I arrived it started to feel like I was sinking into the ground again but I kept thinking about it and then I thought omg...what happens if it's dehydration?! so I freaked out and I thought right, I will keep drinking so I constantly drank water but kept getting worse so it scared me then some days I had no symptoms others I did..and I felt sooo tired!! anyways on the day I was going back I had no symptoms but then did just before I went on the plane and we was sitting on the plane for 30 minutes before we took off because they were doing a security check and I panicked saying mum...I can't do 9 hours on this plane if im dehydrated and was close to tears..but all the way home I drank lots! but when I was in the taxi I felt soooo sick and threw up everywhere...I felt better then I got home went to sleep for abit when I got up I had a big drink of blackcurrent and threw all that up, ive felt sick but that went off and i havent been sick since but now I feel sooo hungry even after a big dinner im still starving im still sooo tired even after a long sleep but the thing is ive been drinking 9-10 bottles of water every single day since I got back so my mum keeps saying it's not dehydration by the amount ive drank...but im so scared I keep panicking...also i keep thinking ive got depression I cry every single day, I just feel like I want to die because then all of this will be over even though im scared to die..and I wont come out of my room at all my mum doesn't know what's gotten into me lately....can anyone please help? and this dehydration thing would you say it's anxiety? :/

25-08-12, 20:48
It sounds like you are depressed and very anxious. Unfortunately all the symptoms you have listed can be caused by anxiety... I really hope you can get some help with this even if that means going on meds as you are too young to be feeling like this... You should be enjoying your life. Go see a GP as soonas you can and talk to them about how you feel, if they are good, they should offer you counselling and may try you on some meds to see if that helps as you cannot carry on feeling the way you do. I am sure that all the symptoms you are feeling are down to anxiety. It is a powerful thing and does the weirdest things to your body. Take care and keep me posted. You are not alone. Louisexxx

Vanilla Sky
25-08-12, 20:55
Sounds like it to me . You must have got the dehydration thing from somewhere ( maybe you read it ?) and thought it would make you feel better so you clung on to that idea , the chances are you are not dehydrated. And you probably felt worse on holiday because your away from home , thats common. The hungry thing could be a combination of your age ( my kids were the same lol ) and anxiety because when we are anxious our body is like on edge and starts thinking of stuff that could be wrong with us so we can feel better ie. eat and drink go to loo etc.
You should go to the doctor and explain how you have been feeling, counselling helped you last time and could help again .
I wish you well :) xx

25-08-12, 21:01
Thankyou very much for replying Louise :) the thing is about meds I have asked my mum about them when I was 15 but she won't let me because she thinks im too young for anti depressants, I would try counselling again but I have a fear I will get rid of my anxiety and it will come back like last time also for the doctor I usually have you have to book a month in advance for him...really stupid! because if I don't I get some foreign doctor I have never ever met in my life and they are no help...and the symptoms I have now are really worrying all's I want constantly is a hug and someone to tell me everything will be okay..I just wish I was okay again and happy like I was before anxiety because I was honestly one of the happiest teenagers ever..and I don't understand what went wrong with me..

---------- Post added at 21:01 ---------- Previous post was at 20:59 ----------

Thanks Vanilla Sky too, yes I got it off the internet one time..and also the school nurse ages ago once told me I was dehydrated because I felt hungry all the time once before :/

25-08-12, 21:03
I'm not sure if i can give you any structural advice because i'm new to all of this, but i just want to say your clearly a strong person. Don't think about wanting to die. Instead be strong and think of all the things worth living for, your family, friends, all the people you love and that love you back. :)

25-08-12, 21:11
Thankyou Meg I know it's stupid of me but I just feel like it's the only way im going to feel better is if im not here no more...

25-08-12, 21:32
I understand. I don't think it's stupid, your clearly unhappy which is fair enough. Just try to be positive. When i'm feeling down and panicky, usually i just take a deep breath and tell myself i'm strong, i'm ok and i can get through this. It's hard, but you can get through it :)

Also, just realizing i'm not alone, reassures me a bit.
I'm here if you want to talk more.:)

eternally optimistic
25-08-12, 21:33

I am sorry to hear you are down at the moment.

Anxiety can start at any age but, it seems the more you read, that many people do start to have anxiety at your age.

My son, who is now 18, went through a couple of years of anxiety and he has overcome it and, like him, I am sure you can too.

Having "been/am" an anxiety sufferer, I can say that if I thought meds might help you, then as a parent I would recommend you try this route but, obviously you have to respect the reasons why your mum may not want you to take them.

My son was prescriped propanol (spelt that wrong) and half the time he took them when he was anxious and probably could have got through the situation but, also they sat in the cupboard for some while untouched. The fact they were there, gave him some confidence, I think.

If you can get another Doctor's appointment, preferably the one you like and can relate with, take your mum and get the Doctor to explain what is happening at the moment.

Please dont see this as end of the road - there are so many pressures for people of your age to be doing the right thing, rather than just flourishing as an individual.
You gotta look right, act right, blah, blah, blah..

I hope things get better for you soon and that you get the right support you need.

Take care and, keep smiling


25-08-12, 22:18
It must be hard for your mum to see you like this, but maybe she should come with you to the docs so she can gear what you say to the doc and what advice the docs gives back to you.... You are not too young for meds. Taking meds had got to be a beter option than nit wanting to be here. I totally understand when you say you wish you could go back to being that happy teenager etc- I feel like that all the time, I'm sure most if us health anxiety sufferers do, but sadly we have to face what we are feeling now. I understand that it takes a while to get an appt with your doctor, but please make one even if you have to wait a few weeks. Don't suffer alone. Lxxx

---------- Post added at 22:18 ---------- Previous post was at 22:15 ----------

Also I agree with earlier posts, you must have got the dehydration thing into your head, although with anxiety I do tend to get a very dry mouth which you may be getting which obviously makes you want to drink more. It is definitely anxiety and not some dreaded disease... Lxxx

25-08-12, 22:46
@Jackie, I can understand where you are coming from..it's just my mum is a little stuborn and just think it's wrong for me to have them like I said before at such a young age..but I will try and ask her.
@Louise It is very hard for her because I spend most of my days locked up in my bedroom crying and in bed she keeps nagging at me to get up and it takes me about 3 hours to just get changed these days..I just sit their thinking there is no point.. and I will try..Im going to have a word with my mum in the morning :)

26-08-12, 09:24
Keep us posted with how things go with your mum. :hugs:

26-08-12, 22:54
I will do :)