View Full Version : Rage Attack - Further Updates

25-08-12, 22:24
The latest is that I had an appointment with my local mental health team, who assessed me to see what sort of treatment. They want to give me soem form of intense CBT. There's a 2 to 3 month waiting list, inevitably. Things is I had some CBT 20 years ago, so not sure if it's going to work this time.

I've also seen 3 therapists privately to no effect. Should i ask to be assessed by a consultant psychiatrist to see if I have some more serious underlying problem?

I've also got to see a doctor from Occupational Health about my stress levels. This means I've got to explain to them about why somebody coughing/sniffing is so unbearable.

25-08-12, 22:29
I've been reading your situation from when you first posted about this incident. I don't think you did anything wrong, I can completely understand why you did what you did. If the company fail to see what they have done wrong and punish you then I think you would be able to take legal action against them.

Good luck anyway.