View Full Version : pulled muscle

26-07-06, 14:17
Can anybody give me some advice on how long it takes for a pulled muscle to heal. A month ago i leant across the sofa to reach something & twisted backwards. Within an hour i felt like i had a stitch on the side that was stretched, really hurt, the next day it wasnt so bad and its not been so bad since but off and on i can feel it when i move in certain ways. When i get up in the morning its fine, like its been rested but as the day goes on it becomes more apparent. Isnt really painful but a being aware of it kind of thing. How long can it take for them to be back to normal does anyone know?
Caz xxxxxxxxx

Pete to win Big Brother! He is Daddy Fantastic with pants made of elastic!

26-07-06, 14:45
Depends... do you smoke? smokers take longer to heal. Best thing to do is to get as much rest as you can, but dont cease movement all together. Hot baths are good, as are hot water bottles {not good in this weather i know!} when you first pulled it, you should have used an ice pack, but i think it needs heat now, if i read right! im sure if im wrong, some members will correct me!
Take care
Becci x x x

27-07-06, 11:33
it all depends how badly it's been pulled? You could've torn some muscle fibres or simple just overstretched the muscle. Could take a few weeks if you've torn a few fibres. Don't worry, just take things easy and before you know it, you'll feel better.

27-07-06, 19:00
Thanks folks, much apreciated
Caz xxxxxxxxx

Pete to win Big Brother! He is Daddy Fantastic with pants made of elastic!