View Full Version : whats going on?

26-07-06, 15:25
Im confused with posts. Am i not supposed to read them?! lol they seem to be like riddles/quizzes to read, theyre becoming graphic and scary. Is this site safe anymore? I come here to vent about panic, not read stories about affairs {sorry if i read it wrong} and slicing ones wrists, what a vision for all us panic sufferers who can now see that image on our heads and cant shake it off.

Im aware the interent can be a spooky place, but in a support group? Shouldnt all suicidal quotes and self harm 'ideas' be stopped? I want relief and reasurance, not mental images of suicidal acts.

im sorry if this is harsh, and that the person {ive never spoke to him/her or heard of them!} has issues, but who doesnt? We are not clinical mental health proffesions, and if you need real help with big issues, please seek them out, not a support group.
we are a family, a group of people seeking hope and a reason to keep going, keep trying and not give up.

I might have took this too far, or took it the wrong way, sorry if i have, i just went into FULL PANIC mode when i read one of the misc posts. Plus it seems like the sites being overwhelmed with posts for 'secret people'. Arent the posts for everyone to read? Yet theres apologies there to some significant 'other'. Am i ok to write a suicidal apology to my ex, who i pushed away? i thought thiswas a family support group.
Becci x

26-07-06, 18:26

I am assuming you were referring to the post by "hurtsomuch". If so then trac67 told me about it and I asked her to remove it. I have PM'd him and explained why.

I can understand that it upsets people to read about suicide and self-harm but the purpose of this fourm is to allow people to express themselves freely and not have posts edited and anything considered harmful removed. I hate editing or removing people's posts and try not to wherever possible.

The posts are for everyone to read and anyone can comment as they see fit. You will see that some people simply say that writing it down helps them enormously.

If you felt it would help to post about your ex then of course you can - you may find that other people can relate to that too and you get some support from it too.

Hope this reply doesn't offend you as I just wanted to explain why some posts are left on here and some removed.


26-07-06, 18:49
hi nicola,
I think i did take it too far myself. it was just that one post that made me freak out, the mental image is stil there, i wont be thanking 'hurtsomuch' for that. Being prone to anxiety, im sure all of us all have very healthy {healthy as in work fine, and very clearly} imigination. I imagined it all :(

I was joking about my ex btw.
Sorry if my post offended anyone, with my anxiety, anger can easily rise.
I best go to my bbq!
Becci x x x