View Full Version : panic/sleep

26-08-12, 09:11
Hi all have had months of being not too bad then the rot sets in again, have been getting weird sensation in chest area sometimes head like a millisecond can only describe as falling, adrenalin type of rush, it makes me jump thinking im going somewhere and not coming back, last night went to bed 12ish nodded off then woke in startle with heart skipping all over place, every time i tried to get to sleep i get/got this sinking feeling, think i finally nodded off 4-30 woke about 7 i now feel washed out and jittery shakey i even get these rushes when sitting or talking feel i have to get on the move i know a lot of people have experienced stuff like this but they are so distressing you still think something serious is wrong, am going to see councilor tuesday in the hope she can sort my thoughts out

29-08-12, 15:51
I have always suffered at night most too...though day time anxiety is bad I always feel like I can cope with it more than when it's dark and no one in the house is awake except me. In fact sleep has become a real hang up for me as I am currently going through a divorce and my sleep is terrible which sets panic off in me evry time I don't have anything to take like Zopiclone or Diazepam. I even refused Citalopram as an ant-d this time as it makes my insomnia worse and went on Mirtazapine as the doctor said it was a brilliant anti-d as it also has a sedative in in it but though it worked great the first week or so and made my anxiety go away, it stopped working almost right away. I totally sympathise with you though and now I get really panicy when my medication is running out as I've become so obsessed with sleep and panic.

29-08-12, 19:54
Thanks for that, yes although we need sleep to repair our nerves etc we also dread going to bed/sleep i have just decided to go for some counselling to maybe untangle some thoughts its a bit pricey but i feel i might get some results from it, i am not keen on taking any medication for it, you would think as we get older things might get easier but not so.

29-08-12, 20:03
I have a lot of poor sleep issues too after working really hard to overcome them. I'm awake most of the night and have nightmares and hallucinations. I'm going to start writing them down as they are so vivid for my GP/hypnotherapist to see in October. The only way I can deal with this is a relaxation cd or if it is really bad a sleeping pill. Having children also destroys really good quality sleep mine has never been the same since then. Stressful events such has bereavement (my Dad died last year) or divorce scan destroy good sleep patterns. I wish we could all sleep like babies! EJ