View Full Version : dont no whats wrong with me!:(

26-08-12, 11:18
cut straight to the storey. a week ago my partner broke up with bla bla bla, I was gutted but kept going for my kids. we got back together 2 nights ago and I was so happy, now today I've woke up anxious thinking "I don't love him" I don't want to be with him" and its quite destressing :( can't think straight! how do I stop these thoughts, why are they there :'( I wanna be with him as a family for my hole life, arghhhhhhh! #im 19,been diagnosed with ocd, anxiety and depression and also PND and also have 2 young kids. any help :/ xx

26-08-12, 17:25
I don't think anything is wrong with you. I think what you are thinking is normal to think considering you just broke up and got back together within a week. That's normal to have second thoughts after something like that, and I assume there was something that happened that caused him to break up with you or he said something to you about why? That can shake anybody up, anxiety disorder or not.

Are you getting any treatment? Do you have a counselor you can talk to so that you have some support?


26-08-12, 19:02
It sounds like you have been through a lot at such a young age. I hope you will get the support that you need. I think that as you broke up with your partner recently and got back together again, it is normal to have doubts and so you should try not to worry about them. When you were diagnosed with OCD, anxiety, depression and PND what help were you given, if any?