View Full Version : HIV risk embarrassed and scared

26-08-12, 17:23
Hey everyone I'm really worried about something that happened about a week ago, first would like to say the last couple of months things have been going really well and have been going out meeting new people, looking to also come off my meds within the next few months.

I went out last weekend had a bit too much to drink and ended up having sex with another guy that I met, stupidly and feel so ashamed now we did not use protection, I was the top (insertive partner).

Realising I had done wrong I went to a&e and I am now taking pep for the next 28 days!

I'm just really worried and scared incase I have caught HIV and I have read lots on the Internet about pep and it says that it does not always work! I am taking it exactly as prescribed at set times!

26-08-12, 18:37
Could you ask the guy when his last STD was?
Well you're on the meds so that's good :)
If you're a guy I know the risk is higher due to tearing in the back area.

Get a full SDT test, then after a few months get another one but I guess the doctor already recommend it :)

All you can do is wait it out and try NOT to assume you've been infected.
Maybe get some extra help for the anxiety.

Always keep a condom in your wallet, if you don't end up using it there may come a time when a friend might need some protection :)

Dont beat yourself up, everyone does silly things sometimes.