View Full Version : New here

26-08-12, 19:23
Hi everyone,

Thought I would introduce myself.

I have been struggling with anxiety and health phobia oh and agorophobia
For at least 35 years.

I take atenolol 25mg a day and Valium 2.5mgs at night.
I want to stop both of the drugs because I hate drugs, all drugs.

I have read about the side effects of atenolol and I have everyone. Of the side effects. Unfortunately one of those is hair loss. I had very thick hair which everyone noticed. No longer, it's thin and dry. Yukkkk.

No idea if I can manage without these drugs but doc said yes go ahead.!!!
Slowly taper them off.

The thing is I still have dreadful palpitations and anxiety even taking the drugs. Been on them more than 10years.

Anyone here similar? Be nice to talk to someone like me.

26-08-12, 19:35
Hi Scaredstiff

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

26-08-12, 21:10
Gosh I have just read a few other introductions.

Well mine is a bit thin lol.

I have bad shakes, palpitations, severe panic attacks on a regular basis.
I have had the ambulance here three times with the fast heart rate. They say oh it's anxiety and go again. However they did take me in one night (30 mile trip. )
We waited four hours and had no one come to see me. My husband got angry and could see I had got upset so we came home.!!!

They gave me a monitor 24hours, apparently nothing showed, however they did an echocardiogram and it showed fluid around my heart. Well I have a suspicion it's the long term use of beta blockers. So they did another one a few months later and said it seems to have reduced, phew!!!!
I am now having wheezing and tight chest on a daily basis, all day.
So it might be back I don't know, am totally cheesed with going to docs and consultants, I also have white coat syndrome.
Therefore I tend to stay away from them, I am talking years not months.!

Of course the story I am telling here is the last year.

I have suffered very badly for many years, tried all the drugs (have drug phobia)
Very difficult for me to take the drugs, well new ones anyway.
Once I get on them I stay on them hence beta blockers for over 10 years and Valium.

Have had CBT hmmmmmmmmm.

Read a lot of books, had healing, acupuncture, massage, herbal remedies, homeopathy, exercise regime, relaxation classes, swimming classes,yoga,Pilates
Trouble is have now got severe arthritis and can't move, got to have hip replacement, yikkkkkkks they will never get this scared whimp in there.

So there we are bit more information ha ha .

26-08-12, 21:29
Well done, I bet you feel so much better for getting all of that off your chest.
