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View Full Version : Heart Flutterings & just wishing i could change who i am

26-08-12, 19:44
Hi i have suffered health anxiety for many years, everything imaginable i have had in the past the thing is i am so fed up like most of us are on here just sick of being scared all the time.
The latest is i have had about 3 episodes of my heart racing for no apparent reason then stopping after about a minute i`m now focused on this & feel as if my heart is fluttering all the time, it`s just ruining my life i`m afraid to do things i can`t go out and have a drink for fear it will start, have stopped going to keep fit in case it comes on the funny thing is i live two different lives i hold down a job and am always happy smiling they wouldn`t have a clue what a wonderful actress i am, i want to be that person all of the time does anyone else feel like this think i`m in need of a friend, people plan things and i think yes i will go if i`m still here it really is mental torture, of course every time a new aliment comes along i`m convinced it`s something awful & not anxiety who would have thought this awful condition could bring on so many real symptoms, sorry for going on but sometimes it helps, take care everyone its a tough journey we are on xxx