View Full Version : pulsating/tingling/throbbing/tremby legs?

26-08-12, 20:43
Hi All

For a few months now ive had leg sensations - also been feeling it in the soles of me feet

I could describe it in a few ways

like a fast pulsating or a throb - no pain though
like i can feel my blood circulating round my legs
like they are trembling under the surface of my skin, very fast trembling which brings me back to the feeling more like a throb than a tremble.
like all the hairs on my legs are getting electricity put through them
kinda like when your are on the verge of getting pins and needles, almost like on the verge of getting numb.

you know if you put cream/lotion on newly shaved legs, that tingle/throbby sensation?? its like from the knees down ive been dipped in that sorta solution!!
my legs also feel weak, like they could give out under me at any time.

Its really starting to worry me now, i do have restless leg syndrome, had it for years, but this DEFINITELY does not feel like that.

Any ideas??

rachel m
26-08-12, 23:27
Hi linda. Iv got this. Had it for a couple of months now. It feels like a fizzing sensation from my knees down sort of like a prickling feeling. Its constantly there but worse in a morning. My toes and soles of my feet also tingle and burn. Its driving me mad :mad:. i also suffer with restless legs. Dont know if theres a connection :shrug:x

26-08-12, 23:37
Ive had this before! it's horrible isn't it :/ I actually went to the doctors about it and he told me it was caused by anxiety, the sooner you try to take your mind off it, it should go because mine did :) I also got what your describing on my arms the other week actually and it went off when I worried about something else :/ I hope it goes soon for you! :)