View Full Version : Can all my anxiety just be caused by this one thing? SERIOUS question!

26-08-12, 21:13
Hi, I'm 16 years old and about three years ago I wen't to six flags and in the line for superman, a girl fainted in front of me, a man fainted behind me, and when I wen't to get on the ride, another woman fainted next to me. Ever since that one day I've had a SERIOUS FEAR of fainting. That is why I now drink about 10 bottles of water a day. In heat I'm always focusing on how hot it is, and how I feel, i'm always scared that i'm going to faint, because a lot of people faint in heat. During my cruise we wen't to carnivals private island, and I couldn't stay for more than a half hour because I was getting so nervous about passing out. Same thing with the airplane ride there, the only thing that was going through my mind was "Are we going to high? I think were too high I can't breathe right, I'm going to pass out, I need the oxygen mask NOW" but of course that was all in my head and I was fine. But every summer, and i mean EVERY summer and EVERY day, I focus on the heat, worried out of my mind that it is going to be too hot and i'm going to pass out. Fainting is my biggest fear, and there is no way i'm going to overcome my fear by passing out. About three weeks ago when i was getting blood taken I almost wen't out. I was having hearing loss and every one seemed to be getting farther and farther away, but luckily I didn't. Now about 2 weeks after that I wen't to get my physical and had to get my last shot, which was hepatitus B, I couldn't do it, I kept telling them to give me a couple minutes, so I sat down and tried to calm myself down. I've read that a lot of people faint after getting a shot due to anxiety. And I have TONS of anxiety when it comes to doctors, but the doctor said it wasn't that big of a deal and to just come back after the first two weeks of school, to see if any of my anxiety fades when i'm actually kept busy. So point is, is all my anxiety caused by my massive fear of fainting? I know its a dumb fear but it is really serious, I don't go anywhere without a bottle of water. I really need help. Is there something I can do to help with my fear? All help is appreciated :unsure:

26-08-12, 23:18
Did you have anxiety before the fainting episodes??? Can you think why you might be scared about fainting? Is it bcos if a lack of control...??? Anxiety is a very strong mental phenomen, it can cause many symptoms - I think you are overanalysing your body everyday and so any slight changes to how you feel is interpreted as major health worries. Everytime you feel this coming on, you should try to remove yourself from the situation, take deep breaths and see I'd there is a common factor behind why you feel like this. Best of luck. Louise

26-08-12, 23:41
Did you have anxiety before the fainting episodes??? Can you think why you might be scared about fainting? Is it bcos if a lack of control...??? Anxiety is a very strong mental phenomen, it can cause many symptoms - I think you are overanalysing your body everyday and so any slight changes to how you feel is interpreted as major health worries. Everytime you feel this coming on, you should try to remove yourself from the situation, take deep breaths and see I'd there is a common factor behind why you feel like this. Best of luck. Louise

I don't really think I had any anxiety before the fainting episodes, I mean I was only a 13 year old kid, I didn't really know much, but after that my massive fear of fainting started, and with that fear, so did my breathing obsession. Still have the breathing obsession too. I mean don't get me wrong. Its not my only problem, your are right, I do over analyse my body and the slight changes which also makes me worried, but that was caused by an incident were I thought I was actually having a stroke.

27-08-12, 10:45
It could have all stemmed from that but you need to think what's the worst that could happen? The worst is that you would faint and that's it. It won't kill you and won't harm you and its very unlikely you will faint because you normally get signs before you faint like hearing loss like you said xx

27-08-12, 14:57
It's possible, as you were young and when you are 13 you cant logically process what's happening.

28-08-12, 00:54
I know that fainting isn't that scary or such a bad thing, but I'm still extremely scared of it happening to me, and I don't know why.