View Full Version : Can anyone help

26-08-12, 21:49
Hi my name is emma. I was wondering if anyone can help me. I recently had a few urinary problems and went to the doctor on monday to see what it was. he did a strip test on my urine sample and said there was a sign of infection already on the strip. He said he would sent it off to the lab. gave me some antibiotics. I had the first signs of period blood that night (always the same time!!!) and properly started the next day. The bladder infection seemed to start to get better due wednesday and thursday and on friday the period was coming to an end. Had my results which were clear and no major infection.Yesterday and today i have seemed to get after urinating a slightly red tinged discharge. Not sure if this is period based i.e. vaginal spotting/from the infection or something else. Suffer from health anxiety and when i phoned my health line she was like theres nothing you can do now so stop worrying!! wait till tuesday for your appointment! can anyone help or give me a clue if they have had this.

26-08-12, 23:12
Could it not just be the remnants of your period??? Also, I've had blood in urine lots of times (blood you can't see) and ended up having to see a urologist as there was never an infection there. Of course I was panicking, but had camera in my bladder and all fine, turns out some people leak White blood cells/blood into their bladder from their kidneys. They told me it's nothing to worry about so if it is blood from urine it could be that. Please try not to worry. Louise.

27-08-12, 18:12
Thanks Louise for your quick reply:) Being someone with health anxiety I assume the worst well in fact that it could probably be thats it the last blood of my period. I am going to the doctor tomorrow for a second urine test to see if any infection can be picked up plus just a quick check up 'there". I am determined to beat this anxiety as i would like to have a baby this year.