View Full Version : Does anger cause anxiety?

27-08-12, 01:32
I got some news earlier which made me very angry. Since then ive also been very anxious - does anger cause anxiety?

27-08-12, 01:37
oh yes i would say so ...its all on the negative side ...it can bring allkinds of emotions ...so i feel its perfectly normal reaction .....try to relax , easyier said than done , i know ....look at the whole picture of what made you angry ?...and break it down , are you angry at a certain person ?...only you have these answers ....i hope your anxiety eases , as i feel pretty awful right now myself , i have about 50 emotions going on ,
hope you get to sleep:hugs:

27-08-12, 07:41
I would also say that anger definitely can lead to anxiety attacks. I have found that if I get cross about something and haven't dealt with the problem/situation that caused me to become angry, then I feel anxious about it for hours even days afterwards. I wind myself up into a state. It's best to deal with any issues that have caused you to feel this way as soon as possible, you might not feel as anxious about it all then. x

27-08-12, 09:11
For sure! I find that once a negative emotion is triggered for me, that's it. All my anxiety symptoms come flooding in, even if I was having a good day before that. I'm sure it's unfortunately very normal for anxiety sufferers to be triggered by other negative feelings, including stress, anger or sadness.

27-08-12, 10:57
When you get angry you have a surge on Adrenaline, when you get anxious you also get that surge of Adrenaline. Some people fight when it happens and some flight - the anxiety/panic attacks. It took me a long time to see the connection, it was a lightbulb moment.

27-08-12, 11:58
I got some news earlier which made me very angry. Since then ive also been very anxious - does anger cause anxiety?

In my experience, definitely! I remember earlier this year someone on the internet said something which made me really angry and I felt like I was having a panic attack and my heart started beating really fast and I felt like I had lots of andrenalin. I ended up deleting my account on that particular website - I can't be dealing with drama like that. I know it seems silly to get annoyed with someone on the internet, but at the time it really bugged me. Nowadays I try to stay out of really controversial conversations or flamewars, it's just not worth the hassle.

29-08-12, 15:20
I'm so glad I found this thread. This happened to me at work last night, received some bad news and got angry. Since then all my anxiety symptoms have come rushing back, and I feel exceptionally rubbish today as a result.