View Full Version : Please someone reassure me!

27-08-12, 05:31

Since trialling Prozac unsuccessfully back in Feb and through to early May, i have been very worried about the permanent side effects i am still living with!
The reasons i came off these drugs appear to be ongoing and i'm really worried i may have something more serious!!!!.........These are, occasional muscle/limb jerks, over sensitive reflexes, tensing up my leg and foot muscles and Restless Legs!!!!
They appeared to have gone away after some weeks but have now returned! Today, my legs are sooooooo restless and i'm constantly tensing them up that i can't sit still!!! I have convinced myself that i have either MS or Parkinson's and the Prozac has brought it out in me which is why it won't go away! I woke up last night and had trouble falling back to sleep because the three jerks i had in my legs one after the other freaked me out to the max!!!!! I also feel today like my speech feels kind of stiff! This sounds totally weird but i don't quite know how to better describe it...actually, my whole body feels stiff. Sometimes my legs feel stiff when i want to walk....
Could this be anxiety? Or could my fears be real? Please someone help me :weep:


macc noodle
27-08-12, 07:04
Honey this sounds like pure anxiety to me - go and talk to your GP.

27-08-12, 08:12
It all sounds like anxiety to me, I have loads of problems with my legs too at the moment, lots of twitching muscles especially at night. I also have a lot of aching in my legs. The restless leg thing is horrible. I don't have that at the moment but have had it loads in the past and for me it always goes along with tiredness, stress and anxiety.

27-08-12, 09:07
Total anxiety. I get jolts, tremors etc all the time. U need to see your doc for advice on cbt or meds. Louise.

27-08-12, 15:27
all anxiety symptoms hun xx

28-08-12, 01:38
Thanks guys. I hope your right. I do truly believe though that anti-depressant drugs have given irreversible damage to my nervous system. I know drs wont admit it because its a huge money spinner for goverments etc. But oh well, what can i do about it?

Thankyou for your replies.

One other thing i want to mention.....this is really weird and i didn't want to say it cause i fear people saying that it's strange and i should see a neuro......well, sometimes when falling asleep (since the Prozac), i start to dream and then act it out and then it wakes me up! So like last night, i was in the doze off stage and started to dream about lifting something heavy and i could feel myself actually lift my arms to hold it and then i woke up and thought, "oh God, i've done it again"!!! Most other times i have dreamt that i am eating and i can feel myself open my mouth or chomp the food and then i instantly wake up and think, "what the hell am i doing"?!!!!! It's kind of hard to explain but i know its just when i start to drift off and the dreams begin that i do this. I have googled and seen that most sites say that people who move in their sleep and act out dreams usually have Parkinson's!!!!!! This is why i am so stressed at the moment!

Kel x

29-08-12, 01:20
One other symptom i didn't mention........in the early stages of Prozac, i had this really bizzare goose bumps sensation down my left arm even when i wasn't cold. When i look at my arm when it did this, there were random patches of goosebumps! Not all over as i could feel it but just in clusters! I could handle it when i knew it was just a SE, but i still get that too on and off! I had it this morning!!! And i've also been getting a feeling of heat on my calf muscle that has now gone but come back again on the other leg on the thigh area!!! What the hell is all of this??? It all sounds pretty serious to me!

Lesley anne
29-08-12, 02:13
Hi Louise, I know exactly how you feel!! I'm still on Prozac at the moment but I have migraines which give me weird stuff as well. I think you have a lot of anxiety and this is your body's way of dealing with it. I know cause I have the same things like goosebumps, jerky sore legs n stuff. I'm trying to reassure myself as well, it's amazing what anxiety can do to you. Plays tricks on you. You need a new med to try n help you, and lots of hugs and well wishes. Take care

29-08-12, 03:29
Thankyou Lesley anne.

I suffer Migraines too! The ones with that God awful Aura! Prozac was my last attempt at drugs as i have used every other SSRI over the past 13 years and they don't work for me the second time for some strange reason.
When you say you get the goosebumps, what is it like? And is it only from Prozac or did you have this before?

Kel x

Lesley anne
29-08-12, 04:45
Hi Kelly, well the feeling of goosebumps I get is like fluttering all over my head, one sided and from scalp to back of neck. It can go across my face and down my body sometimes and its kinda like getting the chills. I feel tha hair stand up and feel a wee shake. Don't know if that makes sense , I don't feel it as unpleasant just weird. I've always associated these where linked to my migraines as I get really different auras. Not just visual but sensory, feeling weak, legs/ body internal shakes, emotional episodes which according to my doc are related to complex migraines. The stiffness is something I get but I wonder if it's the way I hold/ carry myself?? Hope this helps reassure you somewhat, I attend the unusual headache clinic and I have an appt today, so will keep you posted. Take care.

02-09-12, 11:26
Thanks Lesley Anne