View Full Version : Help needed

27-08-12, 08:22
I am really bad this morning, my anxiety is not good at all. I woke up I'm feeling nausea and shakey. The nausea feeling is what's making me feel panicky. I have been on sertraline for two and half weeks and the last couple days I am feeling worse than ever. Is this nausea feeling anxiety? On really worried its more serious.

27-08-12, 09:09
Yes anxiety can cause nausea as well as thousands of other symptoms. Don't worry about this. Have you tried drinking peppermint tea to soothe the stomach???

27-08-12, 09:55
Hi there,

It's very likely that these are the effects of starting sertraline - it's pretty much the same with all ADs at first. These symptoms will pass but you just need to get through them.

This isn't going to sound like much help when you feel like you do but you need to try and distract yourself and not think about it too much. It's really important that you try your best to carry on as normal. Get out and about if you can, go for a long walk and make sure you're eating - little and often is best if you have no appetite.

I promise that this will help you. I've been there and all I wanted to do was stay in bed and I could hardly force any food down. Getting a kick up the bum from my other half and being dragged out of the house made a world of difference and the symptoms had all but gone within a week.

Take care and good luck


27-08-12, 10:30
Thanks all. What i am worried about is that the nausea and lump in my throat were my main symptoms before going on medication. Now those symptoms feeling worse than before. This is scarring me thinking it's not anxiety it's something serious. I also have ibs and thinking if this can be contributing to making me feel sick?

27-08-12, 16:21
It's just your anxiety increasing as it does for the first few weeks. Any symptoms you had before will get worse, mine did. As I said, try your best not to dwell on how you're feeling and get on with other things. In a week or so, you'll be really glad you stuck it out.

Take care


27-08-12, 16:44
Ok thank you, it's just so hard feeling sick all the time.