View Full Version : Urgency in the morning...

27-08-12, 10:27
Hi every morning I wake up with a bad stomach ache, and an urgent need to go to the loo for a (no.2). When I go the stool is always loose happens pretty much every morning. Not so bad on the weekend when I know I haven't got to go to work.

Does anyone else get this? Could it just be anxiety me getting worked up? :wacko:

27-08-12, 10:35
I can sympathise with you, this is a classic symptom of IBS they call it the 'early morning rush'. My mornings are bad and I have been like this for 14 years!!!

I read that the stress hormones are at their highest in the morning so maybe this is why?

27-08-12, 10:41
Yeah that could be something to do with it being higher in the morning. It seems to be only mornings as the day goes on I'm fine. Not sure how long it's been happening but quite a long time now.

I rarely get a solid bowl movement... So maybe I do have IBS. Is there anything you can take to help it? Maybe I should eat more bland foods, as I do like chilli and have that quite a bit in foods. :scared15:

27-08-12, 10:42
Do you also get tummy pains and feel nausea?

27-08-12, 10:50
Stomach is aching a bit, but wouldn't say nauseous.

---------- Post added at 10:50 ---------- Previous post was at 10:47 ----------

It is what seems to start the anxiety for the day, feel nervous even the moment before I open my eyes in the morning... then run to the loo that helps a bit but the anxiety is still there.

27-08-12, 17:11
To me this sounds like classic "worried about work" syndrome. I also totally relate to what you're saying, as I have the same issue in the mornings. Some days it's not as bad as others, but it's odd that with me it's also only Monday-Friday, which makes me think it's because I am stressing about the day ahead and my anxiety about getting up and going to work causes this. Fully understand that this is quite unpleasant, but maybe try taking 10 minutes before getting up just to relax a bit. I find that not stressing about something usually helps control these things a lot better-though I know easier said than done...

27-08-12, 18:08
Sounds like a classic sign of IBS. Do you ever go any other time of the day apart from mornings?

27-08-12, 19:21
It's mornings only not on a weekend though. :wacko:

It maybe because of work, as I have a customer facing job and you know people they are unpredictable, I think I have social anxiety too.

oh no_1
27-08-12, 20:53
i have rush on a mornong and then sometimes either in middle of night of when i get home from work or last thing before i go to bed depending

27-08-12, 21:09
i too get up and go the loo then am fine through the day ive got ibs

30-08-12, 11:06
Well it's still happening, had bad stomach cramps a couple days ago. Woke today feeling ok but as I came round I got the usual intense ache in my stomach and had to run to the loo, and had another loose stool. Afterwards I felt ok though. It's like I feel really nervous when I have this stomach ache.

But after I run to the loo and have a number 2(that rhymes lol). It's like the anxiety is less after I go.

I hate it, wish it would stop. :(