View Full Version : shouldnt have googlef

rachael t
27-08-12, 14:04
Hi my anxiety is sky high at the minute along with a list of other worries ive been having random sharpe stabbing pains in left side between stomache and ribs after looking on google it says could be lymphatic problems however you spell it does anyone else get this

27-08-12, 15:06
Don't Google!! It's the worst possible thing you can do because whatever health problem you type in such as ive got a cold..it's going to come up with a life threatening illness! About the stabbing pain I get that from time to time, the reason I get it is because I get bad constipation (sorry for that info) im sure the pain will go off soon..think positive!! :D

27-08-12, 20:03
I would say it's more likely to be gas from stomach if it's stabbing pains. It will have nothing to do with your lymphatic system.

27-08-12, 20:42
I get sharp pains on the right, sometimes when I move it seems to pop :)
Unless the pains so bad it's affecting your quality of life, then it's just some typical random pain.
Do you sleep a lot on that side maybe?

rachael t
27-08-12, 20:49
Pain comes and goes i do lean alot on that side when sat on sofa