View Full Version : Panic attacks increasing due to Cystoscopy

27-08-12, 14:53
I'm 33 years of age and since February have been back and fourth to my GP it started with abdomen pain I had several urine samples done and they all showed no infection but Microscopic hematuria My GP sent me for an xray (normal) and that came back clear he sent me for blood works and they came back fine he also sent me for an ultra sound that also came back clear he then had me do more urine samples which came back Microscopic hematuria, I also saw a Gynecologist everything fine apart from slight case of thrush, He then referred me to a urologist who took a urine sample and it again indicated Microscopic hematuria he has now said I need a cystoscopy and something to do with checking cells I am horrified I feel healthy no pain at all Im still waiting for appointment 4 weeks on surely if it was bad he wouldn't have me wait this long! it concerns me as I have heard bad stories of having this procedure done like causing water infections repeatedly after having it done and he talked about cancer Im devastated never felt so lost and alone in all my life! :scared15:

27-08-12, 19:58
I had this exact thing last yr- no infection just microscopic hematoma in urine. I was also referred to urologist and had a camera up my bladder. Not once did they mention cancer - I think it's very insensitive for them to have said that. Anyway, all was fine. Nothing at all found in the bladder and the consultant just said some people flush out more blood from their kidneys than others. I came away feeling very relieved. Also before the test they give you a large tab of antibiotics to stop chance of infection. The only downside to it was for a couple of hours after procedure I felt the urge to wee all the time, but that went away quickly and was just caused by irritated tube leading to bladder. I'm sure you will be fine. Louise.

27-08-12, 20:08
Hi Louise if you don't mind me asking how long does the procedure last? thanks for the above info ;)

27-08-12, 20:12
Literally 5 minutes!!! He even said to me would you like to have a look at your bladder through the camera?!!!

27-08-12, 20:20
Thank you Louise I'm still awaiting the appointment I rang friday But they told me I will get a letter when the surgeon is available Its been 4 weeks now I'm anxious to get it over and done with! I just hope everything goes fine ;)

27-08-12, 20:47
I can totally understand your worry, try to keep in mind that if it was anything sinister they would have had you in there like a shot. Also you have had an ultrasound on your bladder which I assume was normal? This would reassure me greatly. I am sure you will be fine. Keep me posted. Louisexxx

27-08-12, 20:49
Yes Louise I have had several blood tests, a normal Xray, and an ultra sound of the urinary tract everything came back clear my urologist says that's good that my ultra sound was clear, and yes I will definitely keep you posted! thanks again Tanya :) xx

31-08-12, 21:11
I got my app for the cystoscopy this morning Wednesday the 5th sept I have had 2 panic attacks today due to finding this info out, just want it out of the way ;(

02-09-12, 10:27
That's great news - it will all be over by the end of the week. Honestly, you have nothing to fear. Take care.

02-09-12, 10:28
Thanks Louise I appreciate your comments and support :) x

02-09-12, 10:37
It's so hard going this alone so it's nice to come here and get some support. Just take each day as it comes... I'm feeling low at the moment too and just want to be in bed... But need to give myself a shake and get on with things.

02-09-12, 21:05
I know how you feel louise I feel like hibernating till next year lol hope you feel better soon ;) x

05-09-12, 20:33
Had my cystoscopy today as you had said Louise its not bad at all just a bit uncomfortable It felt as if I was peeing backwards lol it was pretty much over before I knew it and it was all clear ;) I have been drinking lots of water and going the the toilet fine no blood and no stinging the only stinging I had was the first two trips to the toilet the urologist came and had a chat with me before hand he was brilliant I felt in safe hands right away, so glad I did it and didn't cancel like you said I have my life back now! thanks again hope your feeling better Tanya xx