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View Full Version : Anxious about starting uni

27-08-12, 21:58

I really just needed to get this off my chest and talk to people that can understand better than the family.
I'm 19 and starting uni in 20 days and moving out for the first time. And I really don't know if what I'm. Feeling is "normal" or because of my anxiety. Most of the time I am excited and looking forward to a new chapter in my life, but then suddenly out of the blue normally at night I start to feel really anxious and worried and feeling that I can't do it or I won't be able to cope :(

Sorry for the long post x

27-08-12, 22:05
Hi I get this alot with doing anything new and like you I find the new things exciting but at night negative thoughts creep in. I try to bipass them with music read or tv then sleep I always reaise when I go to the place it will be so much fun. Good luck

27-08-12, 22:10
hey, i can kinda relate to that, because i'll be starting 6th form next week, which of course is different from Uni, but i still understand how you feel and it is scary.
Tell yourself you can cope, because you can! Also, just remind yourself that, when you are there, and if you have a panic attack, it will pass. You will have friends and loads of people there that will care for you too!
When you feel anxious, maybe just try to distract yourself so you're not thinking about it?
Good luck at Uni, you'll be fine :hugs: :yesyes:
Megan x

28-08-12, 17:04
Thank you for your replies :) x

28-08-12, 17:17
You will be fine. Everyone is in the same boat and I am sure you will make lots of friends, I rememeber years ago when I went I was nervous but when I got there I was fine.
Good luck

28-08-12, 17:25
My youngest son was the same before he went to uni, in fact he was physically sick a few days before he went with worrying about it but once he got there he was fine and has now finished with a first class honours degree. You didn't say if you would be living at uni or home but some universities have facebook pages were you can get to know the people you will be sharing with before you go.

28-08-12, 17:42
Perfectly normal to feel anxious - it's going to be a completely new situation and environment for you, there are many many others also feeling the same :) Just a note - should your anxiety persist once you start university, many universities have resources to help students' health and well-being - many have a free counselling service that students can use :) However your feelings are completely normal and understandable, I wish you luck with your degree course!

28-08-12, 18:16
Good luck with your degree course! I was nervous about starting university as well, but it wasn't quite so bad for me because I stayed at home and went to the university in my hometown. I think everyone is nervous about settling in and making friends when they first start their course. I found it useful to join some clubs and societies for things that I'm interested in (in my case I wrote some CD reviews for the university newspaper). In the first few days they'll probably have a fresher's fair where you can sign up to the clubs and societies or find out more about them.

I remember my university had its own medical practice, a chaplaincy and a counselling service but I never needed to use them (I was signed up to the doctor's surgery closer to home).

28-08-12, 19:18
I completely understand - I was the same. Once I got there and met some people, I had the best time of my life. I've still got great friends from Uni many years later.

You'll have a ball once you're there, and you might even learn a thing or two!!

Pip x

28-08-12, 23:19
Thank you guys some much for your replies and help, it really means alot and has really helped. So thank you again :) x

29-08-12, 18:01
:hugs: I'm starting too in 3 weeks and pooping my pantaloons, where are you going, what you studying?