View Full Version : I don't know what to think??

27-08-12, 22:09
I have gad, and depression and have taken fluoxetine and pregabalin together for a good while now, however on discussing win my gp and psych they have decided to try venlafaxine.

I stopped the fluoxetine and 4 days later started 37.5mg a day, increasing to twice a day after about 10 days. I've been taking the drug for about 3 weeks now.

Initially I felt great, immediate effect and tolerable side effects.....I thought I'd won the jackpot. I felt interested in life again, I was tolerant towards my children (not short tempered).....I enjoyed my life again.

The last couple of dys though have been awful, anxious, short tempered, and crying because of the hopelessness of life......I'm scared, and don't know what to do.

I'm so sick of trying meds, I just want to be happy again. I am a very lucky girl with a great family, I just need help getting it back on track

Lisa xx

27-08-12, 22:45
Hi there
Im not on Ven myself but like you thats the next one they want to try as im on Sert now and have been for 10 weeks was on Cit for four months before that all this is new to me as all happended suddenly this year.

Like you great life now so no reason although tough 5 years before with our middle child as he had couple of ops but now should be happy.

Why do they want you to chang4e??? there are alot of good people on here im sure will support you xx

28-08-12, 12:03
Hi Lisa, I started on low doses like you and did feel the benefits were limited, but my psychiatrist gradually increased the dose till eventually I was on 225mg (extended release) once a day. He said the reason was to slowly get it into your system so it was tolerable, then step up the dose till it was effective. Maybe thats the plan with you? When do you see your doctor again?

I am also on pregabalin and have found this combination to be the most effective treatment (along with psychology) that I have had.

You will be happy again, hang on to that thought. Starting new medication can be hard and a bit soul destroying I think, but if this works for you then it will be so worth it. And the signs at the beginning were good.

Hang on in there Lisa X