View Full Version : HA all time high!!! Having a rough time...

27-08-12, 22:21
Hi Everyone

So I am already an active member of No More Panic, however I wanted to post this anonymously as the last few weeks have been awful for me and I feel like I just need to rant, please bear with me….to whoever reads this and responds…thank you so much, the thing I love about this site is that it has been a rock for me in regards to response and support I have had in the past.

I have suffered with Health Anxiety for nearly 3 years now, im def at one of the lowest points at the moment, I have been through a horrible experience this last month which has set everything sky high again.
The thing that scares me about Health Anxiety is that our symptoms are physical and not just a mental issue…How do we ever know as sufferers whether its all and always ‘JUST ANXIETY’…..
I thought I was doing ok the last few months and havn’t been on really for a while as I was trying to focus my mind away from anything to do with anxiety….

4 weeks ago I took a pregnancy test which was positive, however I already have children and felt something wasn’t right, I went for a private scan and should have been over 9 weeks, the baby had no heartbeat and had passed over a week before. I miscarried at home and only finished last week. So 3 weeks of heavy bleeding, pains, feeling ill, even though I knew this would be part of the process I never knew how long in reality it would take….Im still bleeding now and although doctor says its normal my mind is in overdrive.

Im currently on my own as the husband works away from home and Im finding home life very stressful…my children are mis-behaving all the time and im completely exhausted. I have spent most of today dealing with one of them and have had a hard time…now sitting here with chest pains and a vibrating sensation on the left side of my chest and in my left thigh…half of me says im stressed and its my anxiety but the other half says I could have stressed myself so much my heart cant take it…..

I don’t really know what im trying to get in response but I have to say this whole thing is really getting to me now….im doing the usual breathing good, slowly and trying to relax….

The way we rely on the fact our anxiety is the route of everything is beyond me….how do we ever really know when something is really wrong….I know with things like this they always say ring NHS direct but its never that easy to pop to a&e and look like a nutter at the end of it...

Im sorry for the random post but wanted to get it off my mind!!!


27-08-12, 23:26
Hi Hun

I am so very sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to you. :hugs:

Your body has gone to hell and back and I would be more worried if you didn't have any anxiety symptoms. I'd say what you are feeling is natural and completely understandable.

I'd be inclined to suggest you need some rest. Is there anyone at all who could help mind your children until you regained your strength? You must be emotionally and physically drained and you need proper rest.

Thinking of you


28-08-12, 10:08
I also think that you need to rest!
And one more think: do you take extra iron now? You have lost a lot of blood, your deposits probably are extremely low and that makes you feel worse both mentally and physically.
I have had a similar experience (it was an extrauterine pregnancy in my case but for both body and mind the stress is similar) so I understand you very well.

---------- Post added at 11:08 ---------- Previous post was at 11:07 ----------

Your shortness of breath and all that can be iron deficiency,,,pls get it checked!