View Full Version : Cat died, panic coming back

26-07-06, 22:52
My cat died today, unexpectedly. I now feel the panic seeping back in. I don't know if I can cope.


26-07-06, 23:02
Oh I am so sorry to hear that

I have 3 cats and love them to bits.

Hope you are ok


26-07-06, 23:09
Sorry to hear that, hope you are ok. How old was your cat?

x x

marie ross
26-07-06, 23:27
Oh Ren

I'm really sorry to hear your news, I love cats and have always had one. Hope that you are feeling better soon.

It's understandable that you're feeling rough right now because it was so unexpected, have a good cry and don't feel bad about the way you are feeling. Losing a loved pet is awful and you have to grieve. Take care and let us know how you are getting on.

Marie XXX

26-07-06, 23:44
So very sorry to hear that Ren,

I totally understand hun as I lost our kitten in January and our other cat has terminal cancer.

I'm Thinking Of You. It's quite ok to feel panicky hun it's only to be expected what your going through.

Take Good Care,

Love & BIG HUGS,


polly daydream
27-07-06, 00:02
So sorry about your cat Ren, that's very sad, I too love cats.

Take care,


27-07-06, 11:09
Awww Ren I am sorry to hear that x

'Never be afraid to try- remember, amateurs buit the Ark...professionals built the Titanic'

27-07-06, 12:23
Ren so sorry to hear about your cat. I can sympathise as I am a cat lover and have had a few died over the years. They say loosing a pet can be the same as loosing a person so it is okay to grieve over your little cat. Take care and hope you will feel better over time.



27-07-06, 14:33
Oh how awful, am so sorry to hear of your loss. Of course you will feel bad and panicky, anyone would whether they 'suffered' or not, you will be in shock, grieving and totally at a loss what to do, take things slowly, let you body decide what you should do, make sure, if possible, to eat a little and drink plenty of water, sleep or rest when you can. take care and keep in touch xxxjean

Will Loynes
27-07-06, 17:50
Hi Ren,
am so sorry to hear about your cat. I lost my cat (Yogi) last year , and still miss him loads.
We have 3 new cats now, and love them to bits.
I hope you feel happier very soon.


27-07-06, 20:58
hi ren my heart goes out to you it is awful when pets die and worse if its sudden i agree with the others you haveto give yourself time to grieve and in time you will feel better although im sure you dont believe that right now!!! have you ever seen the rainbow bridge website? type rainbow bridge into search engine get some tissues and have a read it always comforts me when i lose a pet! you take care and let us know how you are getting on take care luv kaz x

27-07-06, 22:11
He was 12 and a half and so beautiful. I will always miss him.


28-07-06, 20:14
how are you today ren? did you try rainbow bridge website? thinking of you kaz x

Will Loynes
29-07-06, 09:44
Hey Kazzie is right, look at the rainbow bridge site, it may bring a tear to your eyes, but it really helps with the nice poem and all the nice thoughts you have of your cat.
My cat was the same age when he left me, still cry to this day, my lovely freind Yogi.
