View Full Version : The itching is back...

28-08-12, 10:15
I was itching very badly in June and wrote about it here...
then I started to worry about other things and not so much about the itching, also because it got better - didn't go away but got better

I was away from this forum for 2 months because my anxiety was not so bad. Now the itching is worse again and I am so freaking out about liver cancer or lymphoma.
I even think my liver hurts.
The itching is all over, and moves from spot to spot. No rash or visible signs, my skin looks normal.
I know many of you say that itching is a symptom of anxiety. But I have been anxious for more than 5 years and the itching is very recent.

I know I should go to see my dr but I am not strong enough mentally right now.
I did a finger x-ray in July because of some problems with a finger. It came back ok, but the doctor said: "now we know it's not a malignancy or sth like that" and to realize that the dr had considered it possible scared me to death.
I just can't go back to the dr yet, I am too worried and to do tests would totally freak me out right now. So here I am with the itching.:wacko:

28-08-12, 10:30
Your itching could be anything or nothing. It is most probably stress related. Have you had any blood tests recently? What was wrong with your finger? Are you sure that the doc was not saying it slightly tongue in cheek when he said so it's not malignancy etc bcos he knows that you worry??

28-08-12, 10:49
Believe it or not, I hide my HA very well to the doctors...I am sure that if they notice it, then they will not examin me carefully anymore:blush:

Blood tests was some time ago now...almost 2 years if I remember correctly, so I know I should go... but I really don't want to! My anxiety level is too high right now.

My finger has some kind of chronical infection or something like it. 4-5 times every year since 2 years, it gets swollen and infected and I have to punctuate it with a needle to get all the mess out...and it always comes back. Never hurt my finger and the x-rays didn't show anything (I halso had an ultrasound).

28-08-12, 11:23
I hear what you are saying about not wanting to tell your doctor about ha, but how he/she would be able to help you if you opened up and told them of your fears...

28-08-12, 14:38
hi i had bad itching in 2000 i was like you so afraid what is it any way i went to docs and there was never a rash somtimes when i was itching it would look like i fell in nettles for a few mins then look again it was gone in the end i was told i had hives wich can be brought on by emotional stress hope this helps
take care trish