View Full Version : Chrohns Disease - Partner reasurence.

28-08-12, 10:43
Hey everyone,/
My partner has had a rough time lately been in and out of hosp and numourous tests - today he has been told he has chrohns of the small bowel. so i googled silly i no and found horror stories about it all. I now feel really scared or tho id never show this to him cos i no hes been worried enough. Just looking for some reasurence about the disease, i no a few people on here have it so would love some possitive stories! xx

28-08-12, 11:56
I have Crohn's so please feel free to ask any questions.

28-08-12, 11:57
Oh sorry I just saw that you wanted positive stories. I am not the best person to reply then lol.

i love tea
28-08-12, 15:04
Hi Helen,

I just wanted to reply to your post as my dad and my husband have both got inflammatory bowel diseases. My dad has had fairly mild Crohn's for many years - he takes Pentasa (anti-inflammatory medecine) everyday, but is a very fit and active man and his symptoms only flare up under stress.

My husband was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis earlier this year. I've been really worried about him as, like you, I have been reading all the scary stories. He has just had a rough time with a flare up but is now back under control with Asacol (anti-inflammatory medcine) and a short course of steroids.

We have been doing a lot of research about diets - I have found this a much more positive and pro-active way to deal with things rather than worrying about the condition and what might happen. If you Google the "Specific Carboydrate Diet" and also have a read about low-FODMAP foods, you might find something that your partner would like to try. My husband is currently cutting out FODMAP foods, and we think he is certainly intollerant of dairy, and we're just trying to work out what else he needs to cut out of his diet to keep well.

Feel free to PM me. I have health anxiety and to suddenly have a poorly husband (who has previously been really fit and well) has been very scary - I'm used to relying on him, and he has needed me much more lately!

Take care, Sarah xx

29-08-12, 10:36
Thankyou so much both of you its reasuring to no other people have this and its not the end as such.
I love tea - wow hun sounds like uve had a tough time i totally understand when u said about relying on him etc as i feel the same my partner has never had bad health probs its always been me with my make belive ones haha. so this is a shock to the system! thankyou for the info too i shall def look on the website and will show it to him aswell xxx