View Full Version : Scared Stiff!!

28-08-12, 13:30
I broke a back tooth a little while ago and today been having some pain from the area .. i read up and saw if its infected it could spread to the brain and kill me!!!! im all over the place!!
im scared of the dentist and having it pulled out i hate needles!!! if i went the dentist and had it pulled how bad is it?? i have a real fear of it but dont see no other choice!!! :'(

28-08-12, 13:37
I would go to the dentist if i were you. Get it checked out, and if it does have to come out, then it won't be too bad, so don't work yourself up about it. Plus, if it is infected, then at least you won't have to be dealing with that problem, and it will all be sorted :) x

28-08-12, 13:38
i know it will have to come out im just scared of the pain i will get of it coming
out :(

28-08-12, 13:41
You will be fine, it probably will hurt at first,but it will soon pass. I'm sure you'll be able to take tablets for the pain if not, like paracetomol :)

28-08-12, 13:56
If there is an infection anti-biotics will sort it out. It is not going to spread to your brain and kill you,that's probably extremely rare and only happens to people who never bother to see a doc or dentist. The fact that you have noticed it means you can now go to the dentist and get it sorted. They will numb the area if they pull it out so please try to not worry.

28-08-12, 14:02
Thankyou! im being booked in today so will wait to hear what day im going =(