View Full Version : Need reassurance-lymph nodes :(

28-08-12, 14:59
I have a serious problem trusting doctors, as many of us probably do. Sunday I was riding in my car and feeling under my chin (who knows why). I felt like one side was fuller than the other. I tilted my head all the way back and felt a lump towards the middle, but a little more on one side. I googled and found out that there is a lymph node there. Instant panic, as I have a big fear of lymphoma. I went to an Urgent Care and had a doctor feel it. He said it was "normal anatomy" and he would be more concerned if I tilted my head back like that and didn't feel it. Now I can't stop pressing on it and it is SO sore. I feel like if I tilt my head back just a little I can feel it, but I don't know what I am really feeling because it is so sore. I also feel like if I push in REALLY hard, I can feel it, regardless of the way I tilt my head. He said it wasn't even swollen, just normal. Is it safe to say that if I truly had a swollen lymph node I would be able to feel it by just pushing on the area and not have to tweak my neck back far to feel it or push extra hard? If I just feel it normally, I can not feel anything. I am so scared about this and want to stop pushing on my neck.

28-08-12, 15:47
I think you are just fine. I can feel a bunch in that area, and definitely more on one side than the other. I have some that I can feel without twisting my neck into an odd position that are normal. You are ok :) Try your best to stop poking at it. I know how hard it is, I've been there myself.

28-08-12, 15:48
Oh don't worry about it seriously! I went through a faze about my lymph node's I kept prodding them thinking they were swollen and they were not..because I kept poking and prodding at them they went all sore like yours which got me worried even more so every time my mum saw me trying to touch them she used to go stop it! and made me jump XD ahaha but because I stopped touching them it went off :) Also if the doctor said they were not swollen they won't be you have got to trust them..they didn't spend years in medical school being taught false things..and if they didn't know what they were talking about they wouldn't of been employed :) I hope it goes off soon...remember stop poking and prodding! :D

28-08-12, 17:48
I've been to the doctor's about 4 times about this problem! If the doctor listens to you and takes your anxiety into account then trust them. They would not send away a person -especially if that person is anxious - if they are concerned. My doctor can't even feel mine in my neck, but I insisted I can. She said that you wouldnt be able to feel the lymph nodes on your neck when your head is straight, but when you tilt it to the side you are bound to feel something as it forces the whole network of lymph nodes in your neck to become asymmetrical. She also said that when looking into the mirror, the nodes will protrude and you will be able to see them clearly.
Stop prodding them because then it'll set off your anxiety. Some nodes never go down, mine have been in my neck for a year and haven't got any smaller or larger. Just accept that they're there and try and busy your mind. I've been there before and recently started my daily self examinations again, it's awful. You've just got to say 'no' to the urges to feel them and you'll find you stop thinking about it as much.
If you had a disease, you would probably also get loads of other symptoms that would be persistent and wouldn't go away. They would get worse and the lymph nodes would keep getting larger.
I hope you're doing ok!

28-08-12, 22:36
I've had this very same thing. I kept priding so much I broke the skin and really bruised the area - total OCD kept prodding it. It was under the chin and I could feel it one side but not the other. This was about 3-4 years ago and sometimes I still feel it, but I guess I'd know by now if it was sinister!!! I went to the doctors and they said the same as they said to you. You would know if you had a sinister enlarged lymph node, they are very hard rubber like, and you can put your fingers around them kind of like a walnut under the skin. If it's pea sized then nothing to worry about. Trust me I've been there...