View Full Version : Feeling panicky again!! Is this ever going to end..?

28-08-12, 15:18
For 3 weeks now I have had these terrible symptoms, I got them while I was holiday and they haven't left since...I keep thinking it's dehydration but for over a week now I have been drinking 9-10 bottles of water each day if not that more.. The symptoms im getting are:
-Tired all the time (Even after a long sleep)
-Hungry all the time (Even after a big dinner)
-Feels like im dipping/sinking into the ground
-Sometimes feel nauseous (From the hunger)
-Tingly head
Ive really had enough of it all now! I can't get it out of my head..all these symptoms are on my mind 24/7 thinking im dehydrated..my mum doesn't think I am because of the amount I have drank..but im really scared about it and scared to go outside the house just incase I faint in public or something..and another thing I start college on Monday first time im going and I don't wanna feel like this then..

28-08-12, 15:33
I can tell you that I experience several of those symptoms just from anxiety. I made a list of all of my physical symptoms once and there were about 40 that I had listed. I have definitely felt the "sinking into the ground" feeling, I am often tingly everywhere, dizzy and nauseous. Being tired all the time can be just from the pure exhaustion that anxiety puts your body through. Sounds to me like you are experiencing a lot of anxiety symptoms, but most likely nothing else.

28-08-12, 15:48
I totally agree with Beth. What you are experiencing is anxiety - all of the symptoms fit and I have felt like this many times.
Maybe you are a little worried about starting college next week. Also with anxiety, the more you think about the symptoms, the worse they become so that in the end, you tend to get them all the time for no apparent reason. It's like a vicious circle.

Maybe having a chat with your GP would help - I am sure that they will agree with us and once you are at college and used to it, I am sure you will be as right as rain.

Keep me posted

Jane xx

28-08-12, 15:49
How big are the bottles of water you are drinking can I ask?

28-08-12, 15:54
Thankyou Beth and Jane for the reassurance, like you said Jane it is a vicious circle..I just can't seem to get out of it :S no matter how hard I try..I wake up trying to think positive but I still feel the same as the day I did before and Nicola I just looked and it said 500ml

Mr Brownstone
28-08-12, 18:47
Im not sure drinking loads of water is good for you to be honest. I think its a myth that it is. A certain amount yes, too much can cause problems. Maybe reduce the amount you are drinking.

28-08-12, 22:27
Dont drink so much water, it's not always good for you. Do you actually feel dehydrated before you drink or is it because you are over analysing how you feel? All other symptoms are related to anxiety.

28-08-12, 22:36
I have no idea how I feel before I drink...just the same as everyday the same symptoms...I don't feel thirsty..I just feel like I have to drink or else my symptoms will get worse

28-08-12, 22:42
Could you experiment and just not drink so much and see what happens??? It could actually be the amount of water that you are drinking that is making you feel this way. Do you definitely think the water helps your symptoms???

28-08-12, 22:49
I could try :) and no..it's not helping them at all..aswell me and my mum worked out earlier that I only really should have 4 bottles of water to keep hydrated a day and im drinking 2 times as much...so my mum said I will definitely not be dehydrated

28-08-12, 22:54
You are drinking too much water.

Search on here for a post by uk23 about how much water he drinks as I replied on there as well.

A lot of problems are caused by TOO much water and it can be dangerous.

28-08-12, 23:00
I've just looked up symptoms for overconsumption of water and it says nausea, weakness, thirst, Dizziness and drowsiness. Try to cut down and see if symptoms get better.

28-08-12, 23:08
Okay thanks for the advice :)

28-08-12, 23:38
Its defo anxiety and I think when you start college it will take your mind off the whole dehydration thing because you said its always on your mind so you will be anxious and have these symptoms once your mind is focused on something else when your busy in college you will forget about these anxiety symptoms and feel much better

29-08-12, 00:05
Thanks Rach,:) hopefully it will take my mind off it I suppose I have to snap out of it because it's going to ruin my life even more..if I dont