View Full Version : Fear of Flying tips

28-08-12, 16:06
Hi all, I am due to fly (to menorca) in 2 weeks and the butterfly's of anxiety hae started, I am going to drs tomorrow to ask for lorazepam, my Cbt counseller suggested i get them just incase.Does anybody have any tips on how to stay calm and not get panicky for the flight?
I've not flown in 6 years and i used to go abroad every year. Hopefully now that I have my son who is almost 4 he will be a welcome distraction!


28-08-12, 16:21
take a hand held fan with you i flew last year and when i felt panicy i held the fan near my face it it calmed me down alot. worth giving it a try:)

28-08-12, 16:41
I too am going on a flight in two weeks and am feeling anxious too - my doctor has prescribed me some propranolol should I wish to take some for the flight. Aside from my 'breathing nice-and-slow' procedures I usually do, on my last flight I distracted myself by constantly having my camera out and taking pictures of what was outside the window - but this may not be for everyone as it could be what's outside the plane that's causing the anxiety!

I hope you and your son enjoy your trip to Menorca :)

28-08-12, 18:01
Thank you both for your ideas, I will nip out and buy a fan, and also taking photos is a good idea too and can get my son involved, strangely I don't actually know why I'm scared of flying, I think it's becuase I'm no the one in control lol

eternally optimistic
28-08-12, 18:41
Hi Hck80

I have just returned from Majorca having not flown for 6 years.

My last attempt, which failed, put me of flying all that time.

With some determination, rational thought control and, more importantly, a nice amount of diazepam with me, I did just fine.

If you could have seen me when I failed 6 years ago, I had a nervous break down from the whole bloody thing. It was a major failure.

Whilst I am not someone who generally goes looking for tabs for this that and the other, I purposely asked the Doctor for diazepam and he gave me 15 number 5mg tabs.

I trialled half several weeks before, and the use of these before and during the flight was a godsend. I have stored them away for the next trip.

Lots of luck with the holiday and enjoy.

06-09-12, 20:49
Hi there im due to fly to america in 3 weeks aaah, i have got diazapem from the docs and atm im reading a book called fly away fear which is written by a pilot and a cbt author.

Just breathe slow and distract yourself as much as you can. And don't shreik like i did when the plane takes off, i didnt mean to but it was v embarassing!