View Full Version : Panic attack, but no racing heart beat?

28-08-12, 20:12
Hi all, hope your all ok

Just wondered if anyone has experienced the same thing as me.

When I first started having panic attacks I had all the usual symptoms, Racing heart, sweating, dizzyness, feeling of impending doom and you know how it goes but anyway, recently ive noticed i still get all these horrible feelings and other symptoms running through me but my heart doesnt seem to race it seems to stay at roughly the same rate. Its the full on feeling of the worst anxiety/panic ever and i feel like im going to pass out and I go to feel my pulse and it is just regular.

I dont know if this is a sign of my body getting used to the panic attacks or a sign it might not actually be a panic attack and may be another medical problem.

Anyone had the same thing?

28-08-12, 21:18

This is exactly the same as me. I can feel so out of breath and feel like i could collapse and feel my pulse and its still strong and steady! Not sure as to why it doesn't race anymore but the way i look at it is that its one symptom less! Only another 10 million symptoms to go haha!

jenni xx

28-08-12, 21:55
Hey gotaget.....

This has happened to me a few times in the past when I have had panic attacks. The first ever one I had, my heart rate was sky high. But recently I had a bad one and was taketo the hospital. On-route to the hosp the paramedics checked my heartbeat and blood pressure. My heart rate showed it was lower than usual, even throughout the panic attack.

All you have to do is think if your heart is not racing, then your heart is fine, and because your heart is not racing, you should not be panicking. When your body is in a state of panic you get the sweats the dizziness etc plus the rapid heart rate. But as your heart did not race, it is proof that There is nothing wrong with your body. Maybe the dizziness and pins n needle sensations are because there is too much oxygen in your body due to hyperventilation.

In my advice, there should be nothing to worry about. If your heart rate is low then that is a better sign. Trust me friend I know EXACTLY wot you are going through. It does feel horrible I know. If there is a next time, just sit on a comfy chair, concentrate on breathing out rather than in, deep and calm breaths and NEVER shut your eyes. If you do shut your eyes the brain will cause more panic as it cannot visualise where you, and will believe you are actually in a place of danger. S eyes open and focus on something around you.

Hope this helps. Markiemark

29-08-12, 20:28
hey thanks for the repys guys

I had another painc attack this morning, just started with some chest pain and then I felt like I wasnt getting enough oxygen but I dont hypervantalate or have a racing heart I just feel every other symptom and the feelings flush through my body. Strange and it freaks me out as I start to think there really is something wrong with my heart, but it does feel exactly the same as a panic attack.

29-08-12, 22:27
Are you on any meds ? I have been on escitralopram for 3 weeks and I am finding the same thing, all signs of a PA but no heart racing x Think it must be the meds working x

29-08-12, 23:01
Yea i am Laura, im on Citalopram aswell but I had the panic attack with no racing heart before taking it. But maybe your right the meds probably have some effect on it aswell.

22-09-12, 23:18
The thing i get now which i dont even no if they are panic attacks are mad fuzzy, dizzy head sensations, i cant think or do anything. But still no racing heart and other symptoms. Hmmmmm.