View Full Version : Feeling bad, Help!!

27-07-06, 11:08
Well i dont know where to start. Not having a great time of it at the moment, work, money, family and health worries, i go in for an operation on the 31st Aug to have my Gall Bladder removed and i think subconsiously i am really worried about it, even consiously i am worrying so god knows what my subconsious is doing.

Feeling very shakey, emotional, breathless, tingley and very high strung if thats the right word for it. i just wanna burst into tears again. i keep getting the feeling that my limbs are so heavy and my chest has sunk to my knees!!. i'm really worried that i'm gonna start having panic attacks again after not having any since March.

Please help as i dont know whats normal anymore!!


27-07-06, 11:13
liz you are just having a bad time of it and when that happens these horrible sensations get even worse ( hard to believe they could get any worse ). i know because my tiredness and phisical symptoms are worse at the minute, i think not sleeping well with the kids, not eating enough because i am so busy and the usual fears help make this a bad time.

our symptoms are normal reactions to fear and anxiety even though they feel anything but normal

take care


27-07-06, 11:24
hi liz,
well done for going so long without a panic attack. how did u stop them? since my dad died suddenley in front of us in a&e, my p.a has gone out of control. however, i recently had a broken tooth that i was dreading seeing about, any work done previously i had to be sedated for, last week i went to the surgery and had root canal (yuck) it was painless and somehow i was calm. Like you i am always concerned about my health, so much that its taken over my life for 12 yrs!, as you know fearing a panic attack will bring one on, you are just having a little set back at the moment and please look at it just like that. A few of my mates have had the gall bladder op, and were just fine after, one of them does suffer with panic too. Crying is a good thing, i do it a lot lately, maybe a quick visit to the docs would help, they might give you something to relax you as the op draws closer. Remember liz you beat this before its a bully, dont let it back into your life for too long.
good luck and relax and take care
luv tracie xx


29-07-06, 02:31
Hey Liz, my mom went in to get her Gallbladder removed at the start of June. She had the surgery and everything was fine, she went in really early and was home the same day. She had no problems at all and was back to full health within a few days.

She had to stay in bed for the weekend to rest and me and my brothers got to wait on her hand and foot :D

Don't you get worked up over it please. I know it's a scary thought but the surgery is very simple and my mom had no problems at all. You will be perfectly safe, the doctors know exactly what they are doing and you will be far better off once it's done.