View Full Version : Exercise....

27-07-06, 11:17
I have recently started exercising again after about four years of not bothering and putting on a lot of weight. I am already starting to feel so much better about myself, getting out of the house in the evenings rather than coming home from work and crashing in front of the tv. I have been going to aqua-aerobics classes and recently discovered that I quite like playing badminton so Dave and I have been playing once a week, sometimes more.

As I said I am starting to feel the benefits already, however one thing worries me. When I am doing aqua aerobics I feel great because it is gentle on your body. However I have found that when I am playing badminton, I start feeling unreal again, and it soon subsides when I rest. It might be something to do with all the bending down to pick up the shuttlecock, or just the fact that I am exercising after so long. Maybe I am overdoing it.

Anyway- does anyone else get this- do you find that when you are exercising it makes your head feel funny/unreal?

Julia x

'Never be afraid to try- remember, amateurs buit the Ark...professionals built the Titanic'

polly daydream
27-07-06, 13:08
Hi Julia, snap I get just the same feelings, if I walk I am fine but if I do exercise where I run around I feel not quite with it, it could be something to do with the blood flow, it's like disturbing the brain as such, sounds weird but I'm sure you know what I mean, I feel spaced out for a little while afterwards aswell. As you haven't exercised properly for a while just take it slowly and gently, let your body get used to it again.

Take care,

Polly x

27-07-06, 13:21

I also feel like that at times, perhaps you are doing a little too much. When you play badmington keep having regular breaks, drink some water and sit down that may help.

x x

Will Loynes
27-07-06, 17:24
Hi Julia,
I started exercising again this year after a break of about 2 years when we moved home. I started running and found that my panic attacks started to increase, also i started to get very anxious again. Not a nice feeling and it kind of contradicted what I was expecting to feel.
I slowed down my running speed, ran for a longer time and built my strength up gradually. I am feeling much better now and running 3 times a week. Also, I am making sure that I drink plenty of water, I must have been getting quite dehydrated without realising it.

Good luck with your exercise, most of all enjoy it!!

Will ;)

marie ross
28-07-06, 00:11
Hi Julia,

Well done for getting out there and exercising!! I found that when i could be bothered to exercise it took me a few weeks to get used to it, when i first started i used to get dizzy and feel unreal when i did it.

But after a few weeks i loved it, it made me feel so much better, and i used to enjoy going swimming or just half an hour on my exercise bike. It really helped with my anxiety and i noticed such a difference. Keep it up and soon you'll notice a big improvement.

Take care.

Marie XXX

28-07-06, 05:13
Hi there =)

Just wanted to make mention of a few things that I have learned over sometime.. one of the biggest things is when you go from non excerising to excerising it is an intense physical strain on your body so there is bound to be some stress and spaciness at first..

Also if you think about it many of the things that occur to us during excerise are also things that occur during a panic attack.. adrenline levles are high.. heart starts racing, breathing often becomes more rapid and more shallow in some cases, you sweat.. if you over do it you can become dizzy.. and dry mouth can come with the feeling of your throat closing up.. when your so used to these symptoms meaning your panicking natural body reactions of the same thing can send you into over drive..

Of course then there is the chance to over do it as well.. Work into excerise slowly build up your resistence.. don't put too much on your plate just keep at it Excerise is GREAT for panic..

Always remember to stretch out before hand the gentle movement of the muscles can be very relaxing.. and speaking of relaxing after excerising try a guided meditation or something just as calming.. but most of all don't give up.. it can be scary at first but the long term effects are wonderful.. hang in there it'll be worth it!
