View Full Version : Homesickness and Depression

29-08-12, 05:58
I usually post in the HA forum but thought this time it might be more appropriate to post here.

I've been off my meds for a few months now (was on cipralex; it was great) and won't be going back on because my husband and I are hoping to conceive.

I've been so homesick lately. We live away from both of our families, in jobs we don't like and we're basically stuck here until we have enough saved to move (a few years away yet). I am miserable and my hubbie knows it, and feels helpless.

I've suffered from OCD since the age of 14 and have had GAD all my life. Lately my problems have developed more into HA, and I'm worried I'm falling back into the old cycle now that I'm feeling depressed- can't sleep, have crazy health symptoms and am, in general, just really sad.

Does anyone else deal with homesickness as a part of their depression? I would love to hear from some other folk who feel the same way.

Take Care

29-08-12, 06:15
Yeah' I missed my own family too, kinda homesick but I fight for that feeling cause' I really have to work to supply all their needs. I feel homesick but not to the point that its severe just like the way you feel, so I hope you overcome what you're going through. :bighug1:

08-09-12, 20:35
I moved away from all of my friends and family for university three years ago, at first the excitement didnt make me realise that something wasnt right. Last summer while I was home I starting seeing someone and ever since my homesickness has got alot worse. I am on antidepressants and have been seeing a counsellor but I struggle to see myself ever being happy again or any less anxious. Unfortunately I have no useful advice but all I can say is that as hard as it is let your husband be there for you and try your best to keep your head up, thats what I'm trying to do anyway!
Meabh xo

26-03-13, 13:46
I truly hope things have gotten better for you.
I moved last summer for my job, I signed a 1 year contract with them, never left home before. I travel alot, I love traveling, I make frequent trips home. I had a huge panic attack within 1 week of moving. I went from my 3 bedroom home with my dog and boyfriend, sister lived down the street, dad and gpa only 15mins away TO 1 bedroom apt and my step-sister, that's it (happened in 1 month). Within 3 weeks my sister came to visit and brought my dog, my boyfriend came to live with me and I felt better.
At first I was learning my new coworkers, New neighbors, and exploring the city, which all seemed to help. And I was visiting every month and somebody came to visit each month too. When the holidays got here, I missed Thanksgiving, my dad came down after my birthday, I was only in town maybe 36hrs for Christmas. I broke down, so depressed I missed 3 days of work from anxiety/panic attacks.
My dad had became rather depressed, and I feel useless so far away to help. I haven't visited in almost 3 months, I started seeing a therapist. I've been diagnosed with panic attacks, anxiety attacks, depression, and agoraphobia.
I don't click with anyone at work, my neighbors move alot in apts, the only friends I made here have basically not had my back when I had theirs. I'm going insane, I'm on anti anxiety and depression meds, I've had family down the last 3 weekends and now just want to go home. But I feel trapped and stuck because my contact with the company doesn't end till June and neither does my lease. I feel physically sick when I think of work, then get an attack sometimes in the car to go.

26-03-13, 14:09
Haya i can relate, i left my home 17 years ago and all this time lived thousands of km away. Doctor in uk told me once that i have grieving anx as part of my condition becaue i miss them all so much and that cosy life. I think it took me around 7 years after i got married at the age of 25 to accept it. I was rrfusing to accept that i have to live fat from my 1st home.
Its very hard. Now my mum left 5 days ago after being with me and helping me with the kids for 2 weeks and this is one of the reasons for my low time now. It happens every time she leaves. We lives 7 hrs flight apart so we cant pop over just like that. Its normal what we feel i guess...