View Full Version : Had a blip today

27-07-06, 11:24
Hi everyone,

I've just been out this morning for another practise in a taxi. I was doing well on the journey and when I was in the clinic. But when leaving the clinic to go back to the taxi, I mustn't have been breathing correctly and I started to feel lightheaded and faint.

It scared me and I went back into the clinic waiting room to sit down. My heart was beating faster and I was shaking. My home support lady was with me and was reminding me to do my breathing and it did get better and I did cope with it. But now when i've come home I feel emotional and drained from it. And although i'm trying not to think this, I am worried something similar will happen on Monday when I have my first councelling appointment there.

Heather x

27-07-06, 12:56
Hi Heather,

Can I say I think you did really well this morning. You did it today and you can so do it on Monday. Try to put the thought of Monday out of your mind over the weekend(I know it's hard). We are all here for youx

Thinking of you


polly daydream
27-07-06, 13:23
Hi Heather, Well done for this morning, you will be fine on Monday, enjoy your weekend and try not to worry hun, you can do it you have proved that, don't let the negative thoughts win. Will be thinking of you.

Take care,

Polly x

27-07-06, 13:25
Hi Heather.

You did well going in the taxi again. Well done. Please try not to worry about Monday. You will be fine mate. Just keep doing your breathing and relax. Let us all know how you get on and good luck hun.

x x

27-07-06, 14:42
remember blips are an important part of recovery, essential even, they make you deal with any returns of symptoms or panics better in the future.

it is not a step back but another tough step forward and as claire weekes says an essential one

good luck on this rollercoaster journey


29-07-06, 21:01
Thank you everyone for all you have said.

I've started to get more worried as it's getting nearer to Monday. I wish I didn't get like this. I keep feeling low and anxious and keep having to distract myself.

I feel scared.

Heather x

31-07-06, 15:48
Thank you everyone for your replies and encouragement. I did it! and I've posted it in success stories.

Heather x