View Full Version : help at a high today

29-08-12, 12:51
so , some days i have no anxiety, some days i have mild and it can clear, today i have anxiety. I am in meetings and im really struggling. I have just nipped back to my desk on a break and i do not know what is wrong with me!!
I woke up hungry as alway, i have problems with low blood sugar in the morning but did eat my breakfast, i have been snacking so i know that should have helped, i feel really lightheaded and jumpy, i have tied talking to myself and telling it to go away, tellin myself im ok and it will pass etc but its not helping!!

I need to eat mylunch ad i know thats going to be a struggle, my usual calm office which is usually ok is today a bit hectic.



30-08-12, 18:11
I get this feeling too sometimes-especially when I am at work and it is stressful. There are some days at work when I feel like I might be ill because of how I am feeling-i lose my appetite and feel like I'm not really there. However, I notice that when I get home it passes and at the week-ends I feel fine. I think it might just be to do with the fact that work can stress us out sometimes-even if we feel we've got it under control. Meetings, deadlines, more meetings...it can all be very wearing on the system and can cause these unpleasant feelings. Having breakfast is a good idea. It's also important to make proper time for your lunchbreak and if possible step away from your desk. You deserve that break in the day. Maybe take in a book or arrange to have lunch with your colleagues. Chatting to someone or distracting yourself can really help sometimes. Good luck to you and try to relax a little. Health comes first. :)

30-08-12, 20:26
Thanks, yes it was an odd day, i am not sure whether i felt ill or whether it was the anxious feelings. Or i was anxious about feeling ill?! went home feeling completely wiped out and flopped on the sofa, ate tea completely fine and feel fine today!
stupid anxiety!
i do sometimes pop out for lunch and get a break, the funny thing is work doesnt normally make me anxious, its usually quite relaxed.
oh well,