View Full Version : Not sure if I'm OCD or GAD

29-08-12, 13:56
I cannot believe that I finally came across this site. I have been doing so much research on how I feel.
I fear losing my children. I fear it so badly that I cannot breathe sometimes. I wish that I could be like other people and live a happy life but I worry all the time. I even do rituals in case something goes wrong - like I have to kiss goodbye, I never scold my children in case it is my last day with them.
To some degree the fear is a good thing because it makes me more cautious but I constantly have this pit in my stomache that makes me feel ill at times.
I first thought I obsessed about this fear because I was trying to prepare myself for the feeling I would have in case I lost them. Then I thought I was obsessed because a higher power was trying to tell me to prepare myself. I finally realised its just anxiety !!! major anxiety that gives me all imaginings of all different scenarios of how my children could die.
I even gone to the extent of googling grieving mother sites to try and establish if they manage to live with their grief in case I become one of them. It is so morbid and yet I'm obsessed with it.
I hope that being part of this site would be like a support group and hopefully help me to live with this anxiety more easily...

29-08-12, 14:07
Hi Annie-pannie

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

29-08-12, 14:41
Perhaps its a bit of both. I have mild OCD and not so mild GAD. I have to do things a certain number of times (like turning lights on and off, checking doors, kissing my daughter goodnight) as I fear something bad happening if I don't. I know it is irrational! I find it difficult to enjoy doing normal things sometimes as the thoughts that something bad will happen constantly get in the way and I spend a lot of time being anxious. I am always imagining some kind of catastrophe. Hope you get the support you are looking for :)

30-08-12, 10:00
I think i am a bit of both too! It's reassuring to know I'm not crazy and that there are others Out there experiencing the same kind of feelings. It's no way to live but hopefully we can get support and advice from each other and manage to calm these fears and anxieties

30-08-12, 10:59
I cannot believe how NOT alone I am..............
I'm so glad we can be there for each other:)

31-08-12, 17:44
Hi there , I am so glad that I saw your post , I have a continual fear everyday that something bad is going to happen, i can never let my self look forward to anything to the point that I dread holidays for the simple fact that something bad will hapen to my son , my dogs my house while I am away !! Its always been this despite medication .

The funny thing is I had breast cancer five years ago and dealt and took that in my stride , hard to understand I know , i feel like I am wasting my life , worrying every second of everyday , i would love to just relax and look forward to things instead of this dread !!!!

03-09-12, 08:57
I cannot handle this anymore !!!!
Does medication help?
yesterday I left my boys with hubby at the toy shop whilst I went to the toilet - I was having a panic attack that he would not watch them as closely as I would and imagined that one of them would be "stolen" when I got out the toilet.
I just about almost turned back and take the chance of pee'ing in my pants instead !!!
I WANT to live again :weep: