View Full Version : Hello everyone, I'm 17 and needing advice:)

29-08-12, 14:08
Hello all,

My name is Josh, I'm 17 and have been self-employed with an Internet business that i've been running since the age of 14.

Over the 5 weeks, I've been suffering from what I believe to be anxiety troubles.

It first used to hit me the worse when I attempted to go to sleep at night. Use to start with a light flash (like a camera flash) when my eye lid was closed and then it would start my heart pounding, sweating and giving off an unreal feeling to what was happening around me.

As weeks progressed, these panic attacks started to become more consistent and i've only recently started having them during the day.

My symptoms are mostly, flashing lights (even when walking) dizzyness, heart races, hyperventilation, unreal feelings and some times headaches right at the back of my head towards the left side.

I also get aches from my chest area everytime I know i'm about to start with these odd panic attacks.

I've seen a doctor about it and she said not much can be done about it as it's something you have to come over yourself but it's horrible!

I've never had them before in my life until 5 weeks ago.

Cheers, Josh W.

29-08-12, 14:20
Hi JayJay95

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

29-08-12, 15:15
Thanks:') will do.

29-08-12, 22:04
welcome Josh :) I can totally relate to you, when my panic started they were completely unexpected and really scary. Also my doctor basically said the same thing !
I'm new to this website as well but it's really helpful, so i'm sure you'll be fine :)

29-08-12, 22:06
A huge warm :welcome: to NMP.

You'll receive lots of advice here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Check out the articles on the left for advice and post on the forum for support.

Best Wishes

Di x

29-08-12, 22:39
Hey Meg,

It's great to speak to like minded people who share the same problems! I've recently had a blood test done a few days ago, so i'm just waiting for the results to come back. I guess anxiety is an easy thing to come across but difficult to get rid of :')!


29-08-12, 22:42
Ahhh ok :) Haha you are very right there!:yesyes: