View Full Version : Very worried about Brain Tumour/Cancer

29-08-12, 21:42
Been having bad headaches for about 2 months now but been very bad this week, nearly everyday this week I have had headaches that last 5-9 hours.

Worried this could be a brain tumour.

Also had sore throats for 6 weeks or so now daily that aren't going away which is worrying me i.e Throat Cancer.

Having some blood tests done on Friday.

29-08-12, 22:22
Headaches don't very often mean brain tumours.

Have you seen the doc about this?

It could be dehydration or tension or sinus problems or your eyesight.

29-08-12, 23:45
Headaches don't very often mean brain tumours.

Have you seen the doc about this?

It could be dehydration or tension or sinus problems or your eyesight.

I started having them around 9-10 weeks ago but they went away for a 2-3 weeks but since last Monday I have had headaches for 5 days out of 9 and they last hours, make me feel lightheaded, a little bit sick and tired.

Saw my doctor about them before but nothing was done but will be seeing him about that next week.

The sore throat concerns me too as it's been around 6 weeks of almost daily sore throat, barely get a break from them, hoping it's acid or something like that and not Throat Cancer.

30-08-12, 14:07
I started having them around 9-10 weeks ago but they went away for a 2-3 weeks but since last Monday I have had headaches for 5 days out of 9 and they last hours, make me feel lightheaded, a little bit sick and tired.

Saw my doctor about them before but nothing was done but will be seeing him about that next week.

The sore throat concerns me too as it's been around 6 weeks of almost daily sore throat, barely get a break from them, hoping it's acid or something like that and not Throat Cancer.

Last year (or was it 2 years ago?) I had a sore throat for the whole autumn and winter!!! It was crazy! I went to the doctor three times, they found no virus or bacterial infection, so I was rather worried (or to be more correct, I was freaking out...). But then it just went away.
So a sore throat doesn't need to be something bad even if it lasts for months...because I am still here (with a sore throat AGAIN but I don't think it has anything to do with the neverending one!)...

30-08-12, 14:35
Well, if it is brain cancer then I have it too :huh:! I've had on/off headaches since February. They can be mild, throbbing, stabbing, sometimes on one side of my head and sometimes all over. I also get very light-headed. Infact, not a day goes by without a dizzy spell.

I get a sore throat too. In the last few days I've developed an itch deep in my ear that goes to the back of my throat which leaves me with a very sore throat. I was last at my doctor about 4 months ago and she wasn't concerned with any of my symptoms. I still get days when I think 'crap - I've got a tumour or ???' but what you have to remember is symptoms that come and go aren't generally a sign of anything serious. When they last for months (as mine have) but haven't got worse and nothing else is going on then it's more likely to be anxiety.

Good luck with you bloods but I'm sure they'll come back clear. Hope you feel better soon. xx

---------- Post added at 14:35 ---------- Previous post was at 14:29 ----------

Blimey! I've just re-read my last post and I sound almost rational.... that's not like me at all!

Why is it I'm good at dishing out advise but I never listen to my own..... :doh:! xx

30-08-12, 19:33
Hi, I was also worried about the headache I've had for a whole now. I keep trying to tell myself that I've suffered with them for that long that if it was serious other symptoms would have manifested by now. Try and take a back seat and notice if you'd song anything differently, I've been clenching my jaw for no reason and that's probably giving me headache. Or keep a food/behaviour diary you might find a pattern if you don't then take it to the doctors when you go next they might see a pattern that you don't. Hope it helps. Take care. Xx

31-08-12, 20:22
Thanks for the replies.

I'm getting neckache now too though and not just aches on my forehead or left side of my head but aches and pains at the back of my head near the bottom.

My sore throat is worse today than it ever has been too.

I went to the walk in centre as I felt terrible while in town and yet again my temperature is slightly high, seems to happen quite a lot recently which is concerning.

Had blood tests done today, will get results by Thursday.

---------- Post added at 20:22 ---------- Previous post was at 18:12 ----------

I'm even struggling to eat because of my throat, had dinner not long ago and was kind of having trouble swallowing and nearly choking and my throat is extremely red.

01-09-12, 17:55
I can relate to your concerns but also can possibly provide some relief for your symptoms. I went back and read all your symptoms from beginning to now and they go along with what I was experiencing. I started getting weak and achy , cold sweats, very low grade temps off and on, dizzy, stomach pains (spleen), full stomach, nausea, worse headaches of a lifetime (2 ER visits), and constant minor sore throats.I visited the ER twice, Doctor 3 times, and Neurologist, but all they could find was a minor UTI, migraine headaches, and possible med interaction. I started getting a BAD sore throat and decided to go back 1 more time because I was leaving for a trip and did not want to get worse that my doctor decided, "let's just do a mono test, because you've been tired, headaches, and now this." I did not even think of that and guess what, " I had mono" and had probably had it for about 4 months or so, going back to when I first started feeling sick.
Also it turns out I was tested for mono 2-3 other times but all were negative until the last time. It took about 3 months for it show up. I tested positive for the Ebstein Barr Virus. That was in March, and I had to take it easy, stop working 2 jobs, and get the proper rest I needed to feel better. I'm not going to lie, I still get episodes of sickness, and about a month ago returned to my doctor when my throat started bothering me, very weak/achy, and the headaches were getting BAD. He tested my blood and I still have it. I relapsed most likely, because I tried to do too much too soon.
I still get frequent headaches, dizzy, etc. I just have to listen to my body and when I "feel off" I know it means, "time to rest". Everyone thought I was nuts and a hypochondriac, etc. because I have often had issues with thinking I am sick with major things, but turns out I am not THIS TIME. This time, I was right, something was off.
Good luck! I hope that they can figure out what is wrong, but my best advice, is don't give up, keep seeing doctors if you can, change doctors if your doctor won't listen, BUT don't think worse case scenarios either. It will make you feel worse!!! Keep us posted on what your blood results showed. Oh and if you need to, ask for a copy of your blood results. I have mine so when I see my new primary this fall, I can show him.

02-09-12, 12:27
Headaches, or pains in head including throbbing, 'stabbing' etc, rarely relate to Brain Tumours as the brain has no feeling.

The only time headaches would be associated with it, is if it was seriously expanding, and putting pressure on your skull. These wouldn't just be normal headaches, it would be like 'the worst headache ever', they would wake you up in the middle of the night, unbearable pain, you'd wake up with the headache and it would get better as the day went on.

See a doctor if your worried, but I honestly don't think it's related to brain tumour. This is coming from someone (me) who has spent 3 months worrying about having a brain tumour :)

05-09-12, 14:09
Blood Tests came back normal surprisingly but I am still very worried as that doesn't rule everything out.

Since last night I have had severe tingling/numbness/pain in the left cheek and and chin area, things seem to be mainly left sided.

I get headaches on the forehead, left side and now it has started on the back of the head.

Saw my doctor this morning who has referred me to an ENT because of my chronic sore throat and just after that I was eating something in town and I was choking on it and thought I was gonna die, I have been choking on things more often recently, makes me think something is in my throat i.e a tumour or maybe it's neurological like MS or something?

But I still feel very bad, dizziness, lightheadedness, daily headaches that last for hours.

If I was severely ill I guess my Blood Tests wouldn't have come back normal especially if I was close to dying.

miss diagnosis
05-09-12, 19:12
I went through the brain tumour phase when I first started with health anxiety.I felt all dizzy and weird. turns out I had hayfever! I had never had it before so I didnt know what it felt like.

During the brain tumour phase i also went for an eye test.recommend you do this as your headaches might be caused by eye strain.

Also to put your mind at rest..my neighbour had a brain tumour and it was like she was drunk all the time. she kept falling down,slurred her speech and her face dropped on one side.that was 15 years ago and she is fine now.
Believe me if the doctors were concerned you'd be in for a head CT v quickly..and your bloods being fine is a good sign. try not to worry.

08-09-12, 00:01
Blood Tests came back normal surprisingly but I am still very worried as that doesn't rule everything out.

Since last night I have had severe tingling/numbness/pain in the left cheek and and chin area, things seem to be mainly left sided.

I get headaches on the forehead, left side and now it has started on the back of the head.

Saw my doctor this morning who has referred me to an ENT because of my chronic sore throat and just after that I was eating something in town and I was choking on it and thought I was gonna die, I have been choking on things more often recently, makes me think something is in my throat i.e a tumour or maybe it's neurological like MS or something?

But I still feel very bad, dizziness, lightheadedness, daily headaches that last for hours.

If I was severely ill I guess my Blood Tests wouldn't have come back normal especially if I was close to dying.

Alright, let's sum it up...

- head, neck, shoulder aches, etc : most probably stress induced 'tension aches'

- tingling, numbness (=paresthesia) : another classic, anxious persons don't breathe correctly which leads to abnormal levels of carbon dioxide in the blood, and there you are, experiencing those strange yet harmless sensations.
you even have a bonus with that one, because it also explains why you're feeling dizzy and lightheaded

- choking : stiff jaw, throat and neck muscles ? lump in the throat ? you know where it comes from, right ;)

how I know you may ask ? been there 15y ago, just like you, so sure a tumour was rapidly eating my brain. and here I'm on this board now, with enough brain left to talk to you (and hopefully make some sense).