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View Full Version : Not having a good couple of weeks...

29-08-12, 22:38
I posted on here not so long ago with my story of anxiety and depression. My anxiety seems to have got worse recently, with it mainly occuring on a night. I'm having real trouble sleeping. I've even started listening to hypnotherapy podcasts, they did help at first but have stopped now. The tight scalp and headaches are the worst which leads me on to thinking there's something sinister going on again. I'm so annoyed with myself because I thought I had got over this.
I've been off work for two months now and i'm due to go back next Thursday. My Boss has stopped being as understanding as she has been and even called me last week to ask if i'd considered coming back to work early?!? Thing is I don't really want to go back at all, when i'm working full time I get so unbearably tired and everything seems worse.
I don't know what to do. But I can't keep rattling about the house like this. Had enough. :weep:

29-08-12, 22:53
hi , i sffer too from anxiety , panic... attacks etc ..and i really do understand your situation ...its horible to feel this way i know , can i ask what do you think starts you to feel anxious ? ...i do think the thought of you going back to work is causing you now to feel worse ..:hugs:

29-08-12, 23:31
I think it's based on health anxiety... and a fear that i'll die without doing anything with my life. That is definitely my biggest fear. I've had it for the last year where I feel I am stood still and everyone is moving forward around me and I can't get anywhere.
I really hope this isn't something i'm going to suffer with long term. I was just normal up until a year ago.

little scientist
30-08-12, 16:00
You aren't alone Lucy, I've been having a rough time of it lately too. I just feel incredibly low and down in the dumps. I just so want to feel like the old me again. Fed up is an understatement!

30-08-12, 20:06
You may be getting worse as you are nearing the end of you sick leave. I was the same after being off for 5 months, the week before I went back i was a nervous wreck. Having your boss being inconsiderate doesn't help. Try and fight through the anxiety and try to make your first day back at work... for me it was good to get out the house and no where near as bad as I thought.