View Full Version : Fear of having demon posssed me while asleep?

30-08-12, 02:38
Does anyone else have this fear? Can't sleep.

30-08-12, 10:43
You must believe that demons exist to have this fear. If there is such a thing as demons, then there is a way to protect yourself. Have a search around and find out what you can have around your bed or what words you can say to protect you.

30-08-12, 10:44
No I don't, do you think you need to go see your doc about this as it's a mind thing.

30-08-12, 15:02
No I don't, do you think you need to go see your doc about this as it's a mind thing.

We all have our fears! No matter how weird or crazy they are. I have a massive fear of fainting. Just talk to your doc they will help you with your fear and give you advice on who to see or what to do.

30-08-12, 16:12
have a cross by your bed
god bless

30-08-12, 19:56
Have you ever suffered Sleep Paralysis? This feels very much like possesion and can be terrifying. The first time it happened to me I was scared to go back to sleep.

30-08-12, 20:31
I've never had a fear of this but I've had strange fears of things like aliens coming to abduct me in my sleep.

If you do believe in things like this, then as someone above said, there are ways to protect yourself. You could have a cross under your pillow or by your bed and the bible if you're christian, or any other type of religious items if you are of a different faith. One other way is imagining yourself covered in a white light; this is said to attract only positive energies and keep negative ones away.

If this fear does start to rule your life then you could get therapy through your doctor, although these will just tell you that you're imagining it!