View Full Version : freaking out about blood tests tomorrow

30-08-12, 12:53
I am freaking out about getting my blood tested tomorrow. I am getting T3 free, T4 free, TSH high sensitivity, lipid panel, comprehensive metabolic panel, Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, and CBC with diff.

I am first nervous because last time they couldn't find a vein and kept trying over and over again in each arm and then I passed out. My fiance is going with me to help me stay calm.

I am also of course nervous about the results. I am not so much nervous about thyroid, as my mom went through that her whole life and it was not a big deal for her so I know what to expect with that if there are any issues. But the other ones, they freak me out. My appointment for my physical and check in re: anti depressant isn't until Sept 18th so I don't know if they will call me before with the results or just wait until the 18th. Agh!

I would take a diazepam before but then I have my first day at my internship after and don't want to be out of it. Even a half tablet makes me sleepy.

30-08-12, 15:29
Jess. I've had these done and it was quick and painless. I was kind of hoping they'd actually show something (as many people do) to explain why I'm feelingn the way I do, but they came back perfect. Damn! I mean Great! I don't know what I mean.

30-08-12, 22:23
i know, i am terrified that something will show up, but at the same time it would be nice to have an answer for how i've been feeling! agh

31-08-12, 00:06
I had a trip to the hospital after a bad panic attack the other day. I just said "right.. get in there and get answers". Was convinced I've got some kind of poisoning in my blood or infection of some kind, they even did an ECG scan as well. But everything came back fine, even though I'm still sitting here feeling ill and heavy headed. It's tough and I hope things go okay for you tomorrow.

05-09-12, 21:32
Well, got the results and only thing is low B12, so I will be picking up some supplements. Don't really know what that means, but I have an appointment in 2 weeks to discuss my antidepressant and have my annual physical so the receptionist said the doc would discuss it with me then. I am relieved nothing big, but at the same time now I know I just am nuts!!! haha