View Full Version : feels like i can't get enough air into my lungs :(

30-08-12, 15:31
For the last 2 days Iv'e been feeling like I cant fill my lungs completely with air. It feels like something is stopping it from being filled with air, right at the bottom of my lungs. It's also quite painful on one side. My normal breathing is fine, its just when i take deep breaths. When I yawn it feels like iv filled them right up with air, and after Iv'e sneezed, I feel relieved. Its been happening all day the last two days, and it really sucks! :weep: The thing that I don't get is that I haven't been worrying or stressed...so I don't get why its doing it all of a sudden. :huh: It gets worse at work when im more active.

Has anyone else had this happen to them..?

30-08-12, 17:30
Hi, Sometimes i get that feelings when i get a bit anaemic. Never been a big deal for me usually happens at time of month or if i've eaten a really bad diet recently. I take iron tablets now and try to make sure i eat plenty of veg. May not be the same for you but its worth a try if your diet sounds the same as mine.

Hope it helps :)

Jenni x

30-08-12, 19:42
When I get a bit chesty, my chest can feel too tight.
Maybe you pulled a muscle if the areas sore?
Anxiety can make it feel like your breathing is too shallow.
Is it there all the time?
Maybe mention it to your doctor ,

31-08-12, 23:33
Yes I've had that a few times. Lasts a day then goes. Don't worry.