View Full Version : wish i could eat breakfast

30-08-12, 15:39
when i get up in the mornings i feel so anxious and sick i think it may be post nasal drip but not sure. i used to have jam on toast but ive not had breakfast for 3 months now

30-08-12, 19:19
It is a common symptom to feel nauseous on waking when we are going through a time of high anxiety. It is all due to the blood sugar levels falling due to the overnight fasting.
Have a light snack an hour before bed, then, it is important to get up and eat as soon as we wake, even something dry like a biscuit or toast.
I used to keep a packet of bourbon biscuits by my bed and eat one first thing or if I woke during the night.
I know eating is the last thing you feel like doing when you are feeling so yucky but it really does settle things down.
Also for nausea eating a sugar cube or teaspoon of sugar can help.

30-08-12, 20:47
I felt like this as well in the early days of my current anxiety episode. I often felt like I couldn't eat all my breakfast, or that I would gag if tried to eat it all. This mainly happened at breakfast time, not so much with dinner or tea.

30-08-12, 20:54
thanks both good ideas

04-09-12, 10:03
I am the same, I have eaten a cereal bar this morning, little bits at a time...it took nearly 30 minutes to get it down. My nausea lasts most of the day so try to eat little and often but have lost loads of weight over the last 6 weeks as my anxiety levels have got really high.

04-09-12, 11:04
thanks annie ive managed to have my jam on toast this morn and i feel ok

04-09-12, 11:59
That's the only thing this anxiety is good for, losing weight....as long as it's not too much mind.I find a glass of milk helps if you can't eat well in the morning.

04-09-12, 12:53
i cant have milk chris makes me gag and docs told me i have a post nasal drip so stay clear from dairy