View Full Version : Breathing

30-08-12, 16:07
Have recently given up smoking as having read something about COPD, my brain decided I have it, so I have all the symptoms that I IMAGINE someone with this would have, saw the doc and she said my lungs sounded normal and breathing rate was normal, and that this was anxiety, so she upped my dose of propranol to 120 mg daily from 60mg. This has helped a bit, but still have the thing that I THINK it is hard to breathe, but this mostly seems to be my throat feeling tight, kind of when you eat a lot of pear drops. It is never there in the morning when I get up and seems to come on during the morning and lasts till i get home, I feel like I sometimes have to take a deep breath, anyone else had this and does stopping smoking have any effect, as feel at the mo the quitting is not helping anxiety. Thanks

30-08-12, 21:56
Hi ya

Congratulations on giving up smoking...I know how hard it is.

When I gave up 3 years ago, at first I felt like it was harder to breathe so I scowered (sp) the internet for an answer and found it here: http://www.steadyhealth.com/Shortness_of_breath_after_stopping_smoking_t160762 .html

I hope you find the article and posts useful as I did:yesyes:

Betty xxx

31-08-12, 00:30
I often find myself having a really deep breath at work and part of my driving anxiety has been the feeling like I can't breathe. My wife says my breathing pattern during sleep is erratic too. Off to read that link.