View Full Version : Feel like I'm having an anurism

30-08-12, 16:40
My brain keeps doing funny things. I'll be concentrating (or trying to) on something at work and I'll turn away and my eyes go a bit blurred and I'm dizzy, or I'll be walking along and suddenly sort of blank out and start going all floaty. Or the back of my head will go a bit numbs and my stomach wil go all quezy. I'm getting really, really worried there's something else wrong with my brain. Anybody else had this. Please! I really need reassuring or I think I'm going mad. Im almost constantly dizzy and need to sit down most of the time. It's day 17 on Cipralex by the way.:weep:

30-08-12, 17:20
Are you sure it isn't the side-effects of the medication?

31-08-12, 12:02
I don't know anymore. I feel even worse today. Finding really hard to stand up. Constantly having to take diazapam to try and keep me from shaking. Never felt so bad in my life.